Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello again! So I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but am I the only one who misses school (like friends and such?)

Draco's POV:

Saint Potter and people really think that he's the chosen one? Pff yeah right! He ain't nothing but a boy with a scar and a sob story.

Some may say I'm obsessed with him, but why would I be obsessed with someone of his kind? He's an embarrassment to the wizarding world! Walking around with his half blood gay self. Blec!

"Oh Dray would you stop thinking about Potter for once!" Pansy snapped.

I glare at her "I am not thinking bout Pottah!" Pansy just raises a eyebrow at me. Ughhhh why does this girl know me well?

Blaze snorts "You always talk about Potter, Draco. One would think your gay for him!"

"Piss off the both of you!" I snapped crossing my arms and looking at the wall.

Pansy smirks "ya know what I ship it!"

"What the bloody hell does that mean?" I asked annoyed.

"It means you plus Harry equals Drarry and I want y'all to finally get together and end this stupid rivalry shit."

I stand up and walk away "I am not talking to you till you learn some common sense!"

As I walk out the common room I can hear Pansy and Blaze laughing. The audacity!

They were wrong! I do not fancy Potter! I hate him. My hate for that sinful excuse of a wizard is so powerful that I'll rather drink tea with my aunt Bellatrix!

Ok, maybe not that extreme, but you get my point!


Ow what the bloody hell was that?

"Oops sorry, lettme help you up, princess!" Before I could register what is happening I'm lifted off the ground by Pottah himself!

I glare at Potter "I don't need your help!" Wait... Did this thing call me... Princess? I shudder in disgust. "Watch where your walking Potter!"

"Actually you ran into me first!" Potter said with a cheeky grin. "I was looking out the window not even moving when you walked into me..."

My cheeks want to burn a crimson red, but I won't let that happen!

"Oh you think your so special! My scar is burning! Well Potter just because you managed to lock my father up doesn't make you the bloody golden boy!" I storm off without looking back at Potter.

Harry's POV:

Omg did I really call him princess? Ya know what I don't care he will be my princess one day soon.

When I got back to the common room I was so lost in thought about a beautiful charming blonde that I was startled when I saw a hand waving in my face and a voice saying "hello earth to Harry!"

"Huh!" I shake my head and see Ginny right beside me "uhh hey Ginny what's up?"

"I wanted to warn you that Cormac McLaggen is in your bed naked and wants you." She said looking mighty amused.

My nose scrunches up and I say "again?" This is the third time this week that he's tried to fuck me! No thank you I am not interested in other dominant males! I am interested in more submissive males, like Draco for instance he's like a kitten tries to be big and bad, but is too cute to take seriously!

"Harry James Potter!" I hear Ron yell running down the stairs.

"Yeah Ron?" I asked. What did I do?

"I swear to god if you don't hex McLaggen I will! I am tired of walking into the dorm and he's naked on your bed!" Ron said looking traumatized.

The image of Ron walking in on that is funnier than the nasty image of McLaggen laying stark naked on... Wait... MY BED!

I haul ass up these stairs and grab my wand this ain't alright.

"Ahh Harry..." McLaggen said. He's not looking at me he's fucking wanking in my bed!

"You mother fucker!" I whisper to myself aiming my wand at him. I say a spell that makes it to where he's not allowed to cum! Then I hex him with Ginny's signature move... The bat bogey hex!

That got him running out thank God! Now all I have to do is clean these sheet thoroughly!


With a pop Dobby shows up right in front of me and he bows smiling "Master Harry called Dobby, what does master Harry need sir?"

"Dobby, can you spell my bed clean... I don't know the spell yet!" I said softly.

"Dobby can! Dobby loves helping Mr Harry Potter!" Dobby cleans the sheets "is that all Master Harry needs of Dobby?"

"Yes that's all, thank you Dobby!"

With a pop Dobby disappeared. I lay on my bed with all intentions of going to sleep, that was until a soft knock on the door happened.

Ughhhhhh! "Who is it?"

"It's Hermione... Is it safe to come in?"

"Yeah it's safe!"

Hermione walks in "there's a fifth year boy who needs to talk to you and it's very important."

I sigh "he can come in I guess."

She nods and sticks her head out the door saying something. The small 5th Year boy walks in looking terrified.

"I'll leave you two boys to talk." Hermione said leaving.

I look at the boy and I reconize him from my earliest fling!

"Umm, Kyle is it?" I asked and he nods "so, what do you need to talk about?"

"I'm pregnant and it's yours!" Kyle blurted out.

I froze in place "Wait WHAT!"

End of chapter.

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