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Backstory: Payton Moormeir (19) and y/n (18) have been friends for forever and go on a road trip with the other sway la boys.

¤Your POV¤
We had decided to go on a road trip to go visit  an old friend in mine and Pay's home town since we all had to get out of the apartment. So I grabbed my suitcase and filled it full of shorts, skirts, dresses and crop tops since that was all I wore. Then I threw on a comfy dress so that I could sleep in the back of the car. The seats were arranged with me and pay at the very back,Josh and Nessa, Kio with Olivia, Ant with Avani and Griffin with Dixie in the middle then Bryce with Jaden at the front since he didn't like people distracting him whilst he drove but Jaden wouldn't distract him. The seats were decided by the boys so I just kind of went with it. Plus it meant that I could be with Payton since I had a small crush on him we were kids. I got into the back of the car with a smile on my face.
"Payyyyyyyy," I said dragging out the 'y' as always, he just nodded not looking up from his phone, his little grin plastered to his face making me melt. "I am really sleepy could I sleep on your lap pleaseeeee." I was begging because of how tired he was. All he could do was chuckle for a second with that harmonious laugh of his.

¤Payton's POV¤
"Sure you can bubs," I told her using her nickname which made her smile. Her smile made me feel warm inside, it just melted my heart to know that me doing anything could make her happy. As I heard her yawn, she just put her head on my lap peacefully falling asleep. It was like watching a disney princess fall asleep. I didn't realise I was staring until Nessa turned around.
"Awww the way you look at her is adorable, so when are you going to tell her that you are so far in love with her?" She asked with a smile on her face knowing she was completely right. I loved y/n more than anything, she was all I thought about but she had barely any clue since she probably only saw us as friends.
"What... I-I I'm not in love with her in any more than a-a best friend way." I stated with a stutter which happened when I lied but none of the boys really knew that only y/n did.
"That's some massive bs Payton wwe see how you guys are plus you are stuttering that means that you are very clearly lying." Josh mentioned as I went bright red looking down at y/n to make sure she was asleep. There was a smile on her face with her eyes closed showing that she was asleep, which made me happy but sad at the same time.
What if she felt the same? I could have what I have wanted since I was basically a kid. But what if she didn't feel the same? It could ruin our friendship that I love, that I need everything else was replaceable but not my girl.
"Dude you should tell her." Kio uttered knowing that he was right. I needed to think so I wrote what I would say and if I should say it in my song notebook. Then I started to feel tired so I just allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep with some music playing in my earphones.
Word count: 609 words
A/n part 2??

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