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Deafening screams were all Ruqaiyah heard. They were his screams. 'Ya Allah, Uthman!' she realised, sitting up on her somehow luxurious king sized bed. Moving her legs to the side of the bed, she forced herself to stand up, so she could see him, sooth him.

She was getting the hang of it as it seems like that the physical therapy was paying off. Around the age of thirteen, Ruqaiyah took the decision to start being independent on herself other than being independent on others for help.

Until grandfather Adeel, then, came into the picture. He completely turned their life upside down, making it better - much, much better. He helped her father, Anwar, to have a higher position in his career, helped them have a better life. To the point where, he wanted to pay for her treatment, for the physical therapy himself.

Now, she was doing great, she was improving. Improving meant making her family proud and seeing that smile on their face couldn't make her happier. Anyway, onto the story.

With each step she took, made the screams roar louder and louder in pain and agony. It hurt her to the core of her heart.

Without any manners, she barged into the room, finding her family and his in the room; a screaming Ammah Wageeha, his mother, a crying Fatima, his older sister, Aammu Zakaria, Uthman's father, straddling his own son while Anwar and Ali, Uthman's brother-in-law gripped his hands on the bed, forcing him to calm down.

Her mom was sitting on the stuffed lazy-boy, tears rolling down her puffy eyes. Ruqaiyah looked at her father for permission and all he did was nod. Aammu Zakaria got off Uthman, taking the message. Both Ali and her father loosened grip on his clenched fists.

Ruqaiyah placed herself on his bed, laying down beside him, her hands on his. Relaxing his tense body, Uthman tightly held her hand as he frightfully woke up from his nightmare, drenched in sweat.

Suddenly, he whimpered to her, "Please stay, I need you!" And so, she did. She stayed and slept the night with him, giving him the best sleep he had ever.


(Bold = Arabic / Meaning = English)

Ya Allah!: Oh my Allah!

Ammah: Aunt

Aammu: Uncle

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