Chapter 1

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Dedicated to ggengen for being there from the start*

As day light rose one September morning as normal Jamie woke up early and tried to wake Skylar as Sky stirred Jamie pushed her off her bed.

" ow what the fuck was that for?" Sky asked madly

"Ooh you know the usual I try to wake you up you don't get up I push you off your bed"Jamie stated innocently.

"But that hurt"

"Aw shut up big baby and get ready"said Jamie and stretched her hand out for her sister to grab.

Yes they are sisters but twin sisters to be precise.They lived in an orphanage where every day they would stand up for the other especially around Gianna.

But anyway Jamie put on a pair of skinny jeans,a 1D band tee and her black converse while Skylar put on a 5sos band tee,a short pants and a knee high black converse.They put their hairs in two different ways Jamie let hers flow and wore it lose while Skylar wore two low pig tails which Jamie had said it made her look like AJ Lee from WWE but Skylar would always disagree.After getting ready Jamie and Skylar ran down stairs grabbed food from the orphanage pantry which lead them to come face to face with Gianna their personal bully at school and at home she would never leave them alone or leave them out of eyesight like a hawk watching its preys movement.

But fuck that you don't wanna hear about how bad Gianna treats the twins then again maybe you do but on with the story like I was saying Gianna was a total bitch in their eyes she would always purposely knock Skylar down and occasionally call her a slut and/or whore when in fact Skylar never had a boyfriend and then she would dump food on Jamie and call her fat and pig even but she did know that Jamie was so skinny and had problems eating.

Jamie and Skylar were just living one fuckin scary life.Today was different though Gianna never bumped into them and didn't say anything bad to them which made them curious but who cares it would be the start of a good morning they grabbed their food and headed out the door to head to the hellhole they called a school.

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