Chapter 4

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The next day Skylar woke up to a severe pain in her shoulder blades as Skylar touched her back slightly she let out a loud scream which woke up Jamie.

"What wrong with you Sky?"

As Skylar turned around her sister let out a gasp as Jamie looked she found two slits on her sisters shoulder blades one on each.

"Jamie turn I wanna see if you got any?" Skylar wondered

" Never why would I have to do with this?"

"Jay just turn around"

Without a doubt Jamie had the same. But they payed it no mind the girls dresses Jamie with a plain white tank top with a black sweater and long jeans and her usual converse while Skylar wore a black short pants and 5sos sweatshirt and her knee high converse.

Of course they did their normal routine walk to school go to their lockers then head to Greenwood's class

After that they combed through their hair looking through their bag to make sure the have their home work.

And they left reaching to class as usual they were the firtst to reach so Skylar took out her sketch pad and started to draw her final work was and angel with black wings but not just any angel she drew herself by a waterfall that was freaky Jace and Ethan took their seats beside the girls Jace as so happened was curious about what Sky was drawing he looked over and noticed the beautiful drawing of Skylar as an angel.

"You're very talented " Jace said talking about the picture.

"Thanks but its not that good its just a hobby"Skylar answered.

"It so is perfect I think you would look great as an angel"

"Aww thanks such a charmer aren't we?"

"I try my outmost best"

But Skylar had no time to answer because Mrs.greenwood came in with her bushy blonde brown hair and her cheetah print glasses with her snobby attitude and her never ending love for Beyonce like come on everyone likes B but you take it over board lady.

The day flew by it was lunch Jamie and Skylar were sitting alone but looks like Gianna had no intentions on eating she walked over to Jamie and Skylar. Gianna took her pasta and dumped it on Skylar and everyone in the room started laughing at her.Sky couldn't take it no more and spoke up " why do you always use Jamie and I as dummies what have we ever done to you?"

"Ooh shut it doll your nothing but a naïve girl who has no future why don't you save us all the trouble and kill yourself that would be great"Gianna said it was low but extremely low for Gianna.

Skylar took off the pasta off her and ran away she ran as fast as she could grabbed her bag and left she stopped at a little shop and bought a blade and she went to the orphanage and straight to the bathroom locked the door and rolled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt she took out the blade and pressed it against the skin of her wrist and kept pressing until she saw blood and she made one line cutting her wrist and one after the other she made four more on her wrist which now made five in total she let the blood run down her wrist down to the tips of her fingers after what was done is done a knock was heard and Jamie called out for her to open the door Skylar quickly washed her wrist off and covered it back with the sweatshirt before opening the door.

"Hey you OK? Skies" Jamie wondered.

"Yeah I'm fine James"

Skylar said moving past Jamie.She took her sketch pad and her phone in hand and told Jamie she was going to her secret place which was a big tree Skylar started to climb and she reached her fave branch it was about 10 feet of the ground and she started drawing Radom stuff and listening to her favorite song king for a day from pierce the veil featuring kellin Quinn. She heard snaps and she looked down to notice a very eager Jace when he reached the top she was already full on screaming the lyrics.

"Wow nice taste in music. So basically you can draw and sing wow a real big package deal"Jace started off the conversation.

"Well I am one in a million as they say. well I'm really in love with kellin's voice so don't judge"

"I'm not judging I like them too. I saw what happened for lunch I'm sorry"

"It wasn't your fault I learned to adjust to it over the years"

"Yeah but she still didn't have any right to tell you that especially in front of everyone"

She was glad Jace felt that way it was really comforting.

"What you listening to?"he asked her.

"Umm if you can't hang by sleeping with sirens" she answered

"Ooohhh I love that song can I please listen to it with you?"

"Yeah sure" she said handing him one earphone and that was how she spent her evening with the wonderfully nerdy yet cute Jace Vladimir.

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