Chapter 5

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After Skylar spent the evening with Jace everything was fine they were talking about their fave bands which the found out were the same but it was getting late so Skylar told him she had to leave since Jamie the straight haired control freak could come out at any point.(sorry Jamie your definitely not one. Love you sis) When I went to the orphanage found Jamie there on her laptop with her glasses doing her science essay typical Jamie always a goodie two shoes.( again Jamie something your not) I could tell she went out because her hair was all over the place "are you fine after you know what happened?" Jamie asked concerned." Yeah I'm perfect all I  need is a good hot shower"

So with that said Skylar walked over to her trunk with clothes where she found they were all covered in pink paint Skylar screamed in frustration and stomped out of the room and went straight to Gianna

"What the hell is your problem? My clothes are ruined" Skylar practically screamed .

But she never stuck around to hear what Gianna had to stay she ran but to where she wonder and she found her way Jessica's house luckily she lived alone but what she didn't prepare for was the sight before her when she turned the corner all she wanted to do was cry and beat up the person who was doing this to Jessica as Skylar looked closer she noticed it was Ethan sucking out all Jessica's blood she was  on the verge of  death she had no idea what she was doing she went up to Ethan and pushed him of Jess and she held an almost dead Jessica in her arms.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Skylar screamed while cried.

"I—I never meant for it to happen its just we vampires have a tendency to go crazy for blood"Ethan answered.

"Wait did you say vampire?"Skylar said freaking out at what she heard her friend was dying in her arms and learning your crushes brother is a vampire and nearly killed your best friend yup perfectly normal.

"Shit I said too much"

"What can I do to help her?"

"Ummm can you carry her?"

"Yeah I can"

"We are going to my house to get Jessica fixed and when we reach call Jamie so we can explain"

"OK yeah sure"

Skylar told Jamie what happened and to meet her at the address Ethan had told her.

Well this was going to be one hell of an explanation.

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