Chapter Eight: The book

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At the hospital after Jordan ran away:

The patient in room number 207 has disappeared. One of the nurse comes out screaming after she finds out that the room was empty.

The entire hospital team searched for Jordan but he was nowhere to be found. They, immediately informed his sister, Claire, who was shocked after hearing her brother disappear. She felt like an idiot for trusting her brother's words.

Claire's and Jordan's father, Mr Brandson, had rushed all the way from Spain after hearing about his son's condition. When he found out that his beloved son had run away from the hospital, his old heart nearly collapsed because of worry. Although he was normally cold and ruthless with a tough exterior, when it came to his children he was like a completely different person. He always had a soft spot for them probably because he had to raise them all by himself. Without a moment's delay, he immediately sent his men to look for his unfilial son and bring him back as soon as possible.


Meanwhile, in the cave:

Izzy's POV:

Draping myself in a plain black colored silk robe, i looked myself in the mirror. A dim reflection was staring at me. Her sorrowful eyes hinted a silent surrender within them.

"Have you calmed down a bit?" A voice caught me off guard.

It belonged to a woman, who was probably in her mid 40's. She had a long dark hair which hung upto the level of waist. She looked so mysterious, much like the universe itself. Her earth colored eyes held a deep secret within them. The intensity of her gaze was fierce. When she looked, it felt as if she was trying to look deep into my soul. Like she was really trying to see me, the real me. Her motion was full of grace. I could feel the calmness in her voice. That being said, with all the crazy thing happening back there, I realized I never had the chance to speak to her properly.

"I guess so," I replied with a forced smile.

"I know it's been hard for you," she spoke again placing her hands over mine. She slowly ran her fingers through my hair, caressed my cheeks and then kissed my forehead.

"Everything will be alright, my dear. Trust me, it will." she reassured.

When she spoke those words, I don't know what happened inside me. I felt a crushing ache in my chest. Tears filled my eyes and moments later, I started to cry just like a little kid. She hugged me tight and kept caressing me with her soft warm hands. My cries started to get more louder. Soon, the floor was covered in snots filled tissue papers.

After crying for hours, I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off my chest. Having her presence by my side was healing.

"I am so-rry, I don't know, I just, I -jst, su-d-den-ly," I stammered.

"No. No. You don't need to be. In fact, I hope you would let it all out. All your hurt, sadness, anger, hatred. Just like what you did today. And I promise that, from today onwards, I will always be by your side," she kissed me again. This time over the back of my hand.

"And, by the way, I have prepared some medicinal soups for you. It may be a bit bitter but I have made sure to fill it with enough love. You have to drink it, okay?" She added.

"I will," I answered.

While we were talking about these things, someone knocks at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt your beautiful conversation," the old man coughed.

"Sarah, I need you to make some preparations. We are leaving for the valley tonight. I want to take Isabelle there to help her immortal body become more stronger." the old man made his way towards us.

"What valley?" I asked.

"Valley of Eternity," the woman answered.

"Eternity? Is there such a valley?" I muttered with a bit of confusion.

"Yes," the old man advanced further.

"It is an old valley, visible only to immortals and had been there since the beginning of the entire cosmos. It is completely forbidden to mortals or any other creatures for that matter. Only immortals can go there. It is believed that the origin of immortals began way before than every creatures on earth and that mankinds were once immortals. But, later, because of the growing darkness, extreme greed and selfishness within the hearts of men, the originator of the universe cursed human kinds and changed them into a mortal so that the darkness would follow them everywhere. That is how death, sadness, hurt, anger, fear, betrayal, disappointments surrounded the human world." he explained further.

"How do you know about all this?" I asked again.

"The book of Immortality. It is all written in the book of immortality." he took out an old book from his pocket and handed it over to me.

The book was a piece of art. It dated back to the 10th centuary and most of the pieces were either torn or lost. The old man told me that they used all the knowledge and technologies they had in order to recover the lost pieces but some of were never found. It is in that book that they learned about the Immortals. Of the men and monsters. They learned about the existence of various kinds of creatures. Evil creatures like Leon who were a constant threat to humanity. And if they wanted to fight them, they needed their immortality back.

He further explained that The Book of Immortality told them how to gain their immortality back. Also, the book clearly warned them of curses. Curses that could be fatal. But, they had already decided and there was no going back." the man finished.

There was a deep pause for a minute.

"So when do we leave?" I glaanced at the old man.

"At midnight," he replied.


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