Chapter Nine: Mourning

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The three of us set for our journey. It was going to be a long and a difficult one. The old man warned me that there were thousands of evil shadows trying to consume the spirit of others: be it mortal or immortal. And since I had just become an immortal, I had to be extra careful otherwise i would make an easy target for all these evil monsters who were desperately looking for a chance.

Around one hour had passed since we started walking. The path was narrow and steep at many times and the darkness made it more difficult than it already was. It was getting dangerous to continue our journey but we couldn't afford to stop.

There was a strange smell all of a sudden. The rotten smell was nauseating. As we continued to move further, it kept getting stronger.

Suddenly, the old man stopped. An anger flashed in the old soul's eyes, his hands curled into a fist.

Curious what made him so angry, I stepped towards his direction. There i saw: A corpse. A corpse of a young girl in advance stage of
decomposition. Not just one. Dozens. Hundreds. I lost count.

The dead corpse layed naked. Torture marks everywhere. Multiple injuries all over the body including bite marks and gross genital mutilation. They must have been brutally raped before they were killed. Most of their major organs had been removed before they were thrown in the wild to be eaten by the wolves.

"Heavens, No!" Sarah screamed from behind.

"Leon. It must be Leon. This hideous inhuman act can only be done by this scumbag!" I speak with a stern voice.

Both of them look at me. Judging by their expression I could tell they were surprised.

"You know about it?" the old man querried.


Izzy's POV:

(I grew up with my uncle, Dylan. I have never known about my parents. When i asked about them, my uncle always diverted the question with some silly jokes. Later on, i stopped asking because it felt pointless to talk about people who were not even there instead of focusing on the person right before my eyes. And besides, he brought me up with enough love and tenderness and did everthing he could to never let me feel the absence of her parents. He is a mother to me, a father and my closest best friend apart from Lucy.

My uncle has always been a carefree and cheerful person. He is a retired military personnel. A nationally ranked competitve T class shooter, he used to be one of the military's best markmen. He was a member of the Special Forces but had to retire early because of the injury he sustained during one of the trainings.

I learned everything from my uncle. He made me into who i am today. He taught me about guns and weaponaries since a very young age. From rifles to semi automatic pistols to double-barrel shotguns, i know everything about firearms. But, it was only recently that i learned to actually use them because i strongly despised violence during my younger years.

Leon used to be my uncle's best friend. They met each other in some elite party that only the top notched officials were invited to. Although they had known each other for only few years, it took a couple of whiskies and some crappy jokes for them to be best buddies. Over time, he became like a family to us.

Leon runs a large pharmaceutical company that deals both nationally and internationally. But it is just a front. The real business is that of a weaponary and drugs, it even involves human and organ trafficking. They are a real shame to humanity. But obviously, we knew nothing about it at that time.

My uncle accidently discovered about Leon's other identity, a mafia who ruled the underworld. For the sake of their friendship, he repeatedly urged Leon to stop the illegal business and surrender to the law. However he was later framed by his so called best friend for smuggling firearms and drugs. Now he is in prison paying for the crimes he never committed.)


"I know far worse things about him." I answered. But, certainly not more than you people, I thought to myself.

A whisper in the air followed the mournful cry of a lonely fox that echoed through the silence of the trees.
Soon after, the vengeful winter's sky bedarkened, much more than it already had and started weeping at the sight of such hideous acts.

The old man looked towards the grieving sky, "We have to leave before the weather gets worse."

Although the bodies couldn't be cremated properly, the old man enchanted some prayers hoping that it would help the departed souls to find peace on their way to the afterlife. Both Sarah and I started praying too. And in the silence, I swore to myself find justice for them and to make Leon pay for everything he had done.


Introduced a new character Dylan. In the next chapter, Leon will be visiting his former best friend in the prison.

Hope you guyz are enjoying it! Love you lots 😘😚

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