(5) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

I signaled the bartender for another drink and stared down to my phone. I've been checking for new messages from Owen. I wanted to text him, maybe check on him. See if he's reached the peak of Mount Everest yet? Or if he finally considered mountain climbing at all. Is he in a tropical beach somewhere sipping piña colada? Now, that's more like him.

Just one quick text.

I flip my phone face down, thinking better of it.

"This is so unlike you."

I almost jumped when I heard a voice coming from the seat next to me. "Jesus, dad. Don't creep up on me like that."

He laughs. "Are you going to stay at the bar the entire the night?" He sipped on his drink.

I narrowed my eyes on the amber liquid he was nursing on his glass.

Dad looked guilty. "Just one glass, sweetheart."

I shake my head, confiscating the drink. "No. You're supposed to cut back on the alcohol. That's not part of a healthy diet."

"The doctor said cut back on the alcohol. Not stop drinking entirely," he reasons. "I would really appreciate it if you don't tell your mom though."


"Where's your boyfriend?" He asks, looking around.

The word struck me. "He's, um, not here."


"He left."

My dad clicks his tongue. "Where?"

"I don't know," I murmured.

His hand clasped my shoulder, urging me to face him. "Sweetie, is there something wrong?"

"Actually, Owen said he needed some time to think about us."

His eyebrows wrinkled to form an angry crease. "The bastard broke up with you?"

"Daddy, no." I put a hand over his to calm him down. "He just needed a break."

"What sort of cowardice is that?"

"Dad, let's just keep this between us. For now. If Chassie and mom find out, they'll burn him alive." I winced at the thought.

He snorted. "Good. I'm counting myself in on that."


"What? No one messes with my little girl." He gritted his teeth, his eyes in narrowed slits.

I made an admirable job of not breaking out of my calm composure. "Your little girl is unscathed. Owen is just overwhelmed."

He heaved out a sigh.

"Dad, please. We can't let them know. At least not just yet. We should all be focused on Chassie. Let's be happy for her. Besides, my future niece or nephew deserves a happy mommy."

His anger converted into complete shock. "Your sister's pregnant?"

"Oh, crap."

"Kathie, your sister's pregnant?" Dad repeats.

I chewed on my lip. "Please, don't tell mom. She won't be able keep it a secret."

Dad raked a hand through his hair. He looked conflicted. "I'll try."

"Kathie? Honey, there you are. I've been looking all over for you."

Speaking of.

My mother comes up from behind me. "Margaret Parkinson wants to say hi."

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