(36) Kathie jane

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Kathie Jane

I held one drink in the full extent of the party. My wine was nearly untouched because I've only had the chance to sip twice. Cade warned me his co-workers wouldn't be much of conversationalists and I'd probably be bored out of my mind five minutes in. It took him about fifteen minutes taking me around for introductions before I could talk to them on my own.

Cade made them sound snobs and stodgy. Really, they were just sweethearts finally having a good time they deserve.

The women were mostly twice my age, ten percent were my age and five were younger and are budding interns. The men were intimidating at first sight but nothing I can't handle because there's nothing a bright smile can't crack.

Nicholas Parkinson has "borrowed" me from the circle of happy divorcées – they call themselves that – having a battle of whose cat is cute. He ushered me to a swarm of middle-aged men who I assumed are his friends. The last huddle was shoving pictures of their cats at my face, which was sweet, now I have pictures of grandkids.

"I'm sorry to have taken you away. Were you having a good time?" Nicholas Parkinson graced me with a broad smile, a pair of dimples peeking adorably on each side of his cheeks.

He was a splitting image of Cade when he's in a really good mood. And the dimpled smile – it's very clear who's taken after whom.

I beamed. "It's fine, Mr. Parkinson. I'd be dragged anywhere and still have a good time."

"It's Nicholas, dear." He chuckles softly. "How are your parents? Is your dad still doing some gardening?"

"They're both doing great. I've been meaning to drop by, actually. My dad's planting some herbs now. I guess he's found his forever hobby."

He laughs, his blue eyes wrinkling. "Tell him I need some tips on cross-breeding roses. I've been reviving Margaret's garden all on my own. My wife doesn't have a green thumb. And between you and me," he leans over as if to tell me a secret, "she sucks at planting anything."

I giggled. "My mom can't grow a thing too."

We share a lighthearted laugh before our attentions drifted to his friends bragging about their grandchildren who's made it to the soccer team or won first place at the science fair.

"I'll get to brag about my grandchildren one day." Nicholas took one of his friend's phone to squint at the screen where a little boy was on display. "My Cade is finally going to give us a grandkid. A girl or boy, I don't care, as long as I get to spoil them."

"That's what you said last year." One of them snorts.

Nicholas winks at me. "This time I'm certain of it."

I tamp down the flame spreading across my cheeks and answered casually, "I'm sure he will, Nicholas."

It was a perfect evening. Almost a perfect evening. I made a mental juxtaposition of excuses I could say to finally join Cade just across the room.

I did a quick glance over my shoulder, the sight of Margot Fletcher next to him making me do a double take.

My brows creased together when she touched his arm as she says something to him. Cade didn't blink, but then again, he hadn't tugged her hand away.

I gritted my teeth.

"Kathie, are you okay?" Nicholas latched a hand on my elbow.

I forced a smile. "All good. Just felt a little lightheaded."

His face tendered with concern.

"It's fine. I'll just get some fresh air," I reassured him.

He nods hesitantly. "You better let Cade accompany you."

"No, it's fine. I'll be back in a jiff." My voice was too high-pitched, too chirpy, too fake. But it worked.

I dug for my phone in my purse and rushed to the bathroom to do some yoga breaths. It took me over a minute to compose a text message to Cade because they all sounded upset even without the livid emoji. I read the message ten times before deciding to send it.

I told him I was suddenly feeling unwell and needed to head home and that he should stay and enjoy.

Enjoy with Margot Fletcher, sure. That's fantastic.

I scowled at my reflection in the mirror. All the stalls weren't in use. I was completely alone, so I let the frown linger.

My chest weighed a ton. There was a gash in my gut that hurts. Maybe it was my feelings because for some reason, Cade invited her too and I'm unreasonably indignant about it.

I wanted it to be just me whatever my place was in his life. Suddenly, whoever was his first choice to give the invitation matters so critically. If I came second, my feelings would be terribly hurt. Well, it's already hurting so I guess it will just hurt more.

I took a deep breath in through my nose to calm myself down and repeated several times before mustering the courage to walk out of the ladies' room.

My steps faltered when I saw Cade waiting right outside. He looks up from his phone and did a quick perusal on my entirety as though checking if I was okay. "Let's go."

I held my ground. "No, I can go. You stay."

"There's no way I'm letting you do that. It's late."

My gaze did a frantic search if Margot was nearby. "It's no biggie. You stay."

His response was a poker face.

"Really, you have fun." I shove the corners of my mouth to form a smile. It should've been the easy part.

But, no.

Smiling is seemingly impossible right now. I held my head high and started heading back to the party but he clasped my elbow when I walk past him. His hand was firm but his blue eyes were soft.

"I'm going with you."

I wiggled my arm out of his hold. "No."

"You're obviously not fine."

My resolve started staggering a bit. "I am. You stay and enjoy the party. I'm sure Margot will love that."


"Nothing. I'm going home. You're staying at this party." My chest constricted. There were tiny prickles behind my eyes and I didn't want to think that they are what I think they are.

Cade reaches for my face but I stepped back. Hurt flashes across his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just want to go home." Shards started forming in the back of my throat.

"Then let me go with you."

"Cade, damn it, I'm going. You're staying here, okay?" My voice went uncharacteristically sharp.

We were both startled at my outburst. For the first time in my life, I snapped at someone. My patience scarce and gone. Me out of the smiley shell was one of the definite firsts with Cade. And the realization what this man could do to my emotions takes my breath away.

I recovered first and I scurried back to the room and navigated my out.

I just wanted to curl up in bed and hide. After how I childishly reacted tonight, I wouldn't know how to face Cade.

My heart crumpled. I was terrified of how I reacted. I could be the "bitter" kind of jealous. That would've been harmless.

But then, I am the "crazy" kind of jealous. Which is something else and I've never felt that way before even when I had to deal with Owen's female admirers. 

Hi, lovelies! Happy reading! And happy Friday! Thank, God. It's weekend! Who just had an average to really terrible week?

If I have a maximum of ten readers who had a bad week, I want to cheer you up with another update. It'll be heartless of me not to do anything about it. What do you say?

Comment here. And tell me about your horrible week. Mine is mainly because of paperwork. Ugh. And my adjustment to the supposed "new" normal. I'm exhausted. 😭

Don't forget to vote, my lovelies!

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