(18) Cade

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There are two things Cade hates about social events: small talk and getting pawned off to a number of women in sequined dresses. It gets worse on weddings. God, he hated weddings. It's not the lovey-dovey atmosphere that sets him off.

Well, not entirely.

There's his mother that constantly leaning to his ear, pointing out a few things the wedding planner hadn't done right and that he should steer clear from the barely there error. Tonight, he listened to her about the centerpiece. It was tacky, although he hardly knew the difference between flowers except the colors.

Cade almost groaned when another woman got waved over by his mother. "That's all for tonight, mom. I'm exhausted."

"But you haven't met Carol yet. Her mother and I knew each other from way back. They're good people.

He shakes his head, his gaze idly making a sweep through the sea of guests. His younger sister, Ichinandra is in the crowd somewhere. Probably never left the bride's side as the maid of honor.

His first two hours at the reception was bearable and escalated into his nightmare a few hours later. And surprising himself, his eyes kept searching for one particular face with that one particular smile that could light up an entire room of people.

Finally, his eyes rested on the sapphire gradient-color dress as radiant as her smile. She had her beautiful brown hair in an elegant updo. Effortlessly, she would've outshined the bride. Kathie Jane glittered from across the room. She has people literally drawn in with every breath she took. There was no denying that this was her "scene." She likes people. People adores her.

His gaze lingered as she plucks champagne off a passing tray and traded it with her empty flute. She turns back to her friends – a mixture of women and (mostly) men. Probably admirers waiting for an opening. The men are understandably blameless.

Kathie Jane Lewis is mesmerizing even from a distance.

Cade watches her excusing herself from the crowd. She wiggled her fingers at them before to the furthest table. One in the dark corner. Then he saw it. The chip on her shiny, silver armor. She stares down to her phone, probably thinking she was out of speculative gazes, and let the bright smile slip away.

"She reminds me so much of her mother when we were younger. Bubbly and beautiful with strings of men waiting on the sideline because they're taken. Kathie Jane will soon be in the market for another relationship though, sweetie," her mother whispered delightfully.

Cade's head snapped to hers.

"By any chance, is this why you're turning down every single date I set you up?" Her voice risen with hope.

He could only shake his head and frown.

His mother knew better than to push him.

Cade's eyes flitted back to Kathie. She was enjoying herself. But then he looked a lot longer and saw something familiar in her eyes. The sense of being alone in the middle of the crowd. She looked... lost.

For some reason, he realized Kathie Jane has this second nature of choosing to look okay in other people's eyes because she can. And she refuses to maker her troubles worry others.

His sister came back to their table, a lot more cheerful and chattier than earlier tonight. It also meant more candidates for a future sister in-law. He has to be honest, his parents' desperate attempt for grandchildren is hopeless. He had confidential flings in his early 20s with equally confidential women who don't look for relationship. Getting married is the last thing in his mind.

Cade stood up, garnering curious gazes from his mother and sister.

"You're not going home, are you?" Chandra raises her eyebrows.

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