(22) Cade

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Cade is officially a jackass.

He knuckled on the door, his teeth gritting impatiently. When the door hadn't opened, he knocked louder. His other hand is fisted inside the pocket of his pants while the other continuously rammed the door.

"Gee, what the hell's the emergency?" His brother Vren asks when the door finally opened, revealing his rumpled and sleepless state. Another night at the bar.

Cade marched inside, his hand raking his hair frustratedly. "I'm an idiot," he blurted.

"Ookay. I'm pretty sure whoever told you that had just been intimidated by your IQ." Vren closes the door and follows him as he paces helplessly to the living room. "What's wrong?"

Cade pauses at the sight of Christian and Matthew sprawled on the couches. Their limbs were dangling off to the side, blankets were mussed on the carpet and throw pillows cluttered the floor. He turns to Vren questioningly. "Has there been a massacre I wasn't aware of?"

"Oh. No. Christian and I went to have a drink at the bar. Matthew and Andrei took us home."

He narrowed his eyes disapprovingly. "What did I tell you about keeping the little brothers out of trouble?"

"I know I'm supposed to be the second brother and Christian is supposed to be third. We're just teaching Matthew and Andrei to be responsible," he reasoned out.

Cade shot his brother a glare. "Where's Andrei?" He turns to the mess of the blankets, crouching down as if he'd find him under the chaotic sheets.

"Relax, he didn't end up in a dumpster. He's in my kitchen making us breakfast."

With that, Cade turns to the kitchen, craving for coffee to soothe his raging nerves. He thought minimizing interactions with Kathie will put his mind at ease. He meant to avoid any potential encounters in the hall. The idea seemed attainable and rational enough. Except he may have hurt her feelings.

He grabbed a fistful of his hair as the sight of brimming tears in her brown eyes just before the elevator closes.

Andrei was arranging food on the table, four plates set with a chef's finest touch. He looks up curiously at him then wordlessly head over to the cupboard and got another plate. "I didn't know you'll be joining us."

"Me neither. He just showed up at my door in this troubled state." Vren gestured at his entirety.

Cade frowned at him then dropped his hand to his side.

Andrei's eyes did a quick perusal. "It's the terrible matchmaking, isn't it?"

He shakes his head. "Did you make coffee, Andrei?"

His brother nods and poured him coffee. He made a show of sprinkling sugar generously. "It's not vanilla coffee but it'll have to do."

Cade murmured his thanks and took the coffee.

"Now, what brought you here, dear ole brother?" Vren props one elbow on the counter and grabbed himself some coffee.

Andrei takes off his apron and gestured to the doorway. "I'm just gonna go wake up Matthew and Christian."

Cade stares back at his questioning brother. He took a long sip of coffee before exhaling a deep breath. "What is the best "I'm sorry" gift in your opinion?"

"You came here to ask me that?" Vren chuckled.

He struck him a vacant look.

Vren holds up his hand. "Okay. I can see this is of grave importance. Who are we having this conversation for?"

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