(32) Cade

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Cade had been told his brothers Vren and Christian is joining the campfire. Apparently, their friendship with Nathaniel Forester rendered them constant visitors. He didn't mind though. If anything, he was grateful there was more people around the campfire. There were more streams of conversation too.

Ethan scoots closer to him and gestured at the flaming marshmallow on his stick. "Can I get more chocolate on my s'mores, uncle Cade?" He whispers.

"Depends." He takes the marshmallow out of the fire and grabbed a couple of graham crackers.

"Depends on?" He asks eagerly.

He looks around the happily chatting circle. "If you're telling anyone or not."

"I promise. This will be our little secret." He nods eagerly.

He smiles. "Okay then." He smooshed chocolate onto the marshmallow and pressed it between two graham crackers. "Here you go." He makes a zipping motion to his mouth.

Ethan mirrored the gesture and took the s'more. The kid didn't bite. He shoved the whole thing to his mouth and chewed vigorously. His cheeks bloated like that of a chipmunk. "Can I get another one?"

He chuckles. "We have to slow down a bit." He pierces another marshmallow to the stick and held it over the fire.

"Is that for Aunt Kathie?" He asks in between chews.

Cade grinned. "Yes, it is. Do you think she'll like it with more chocolate?"

Ethan glances to the sliding doors of the kitchen where Kathie went in to use the bathroom. "No. She likes her s'mores without chocolate."

"Got it. Thanks, buddy."

He beams, pleased with himself.

Cade listened to the loud guffaw of his brothers as the conversation stirred to that one night they all attended a charity event and Christian got slapped by a fling he hadn't even remembered.

"Uncle Cade," Ethan whispered.

He turns to him.

"Can I tell you something?" He was handing him graham crackers for the marshmallows.

"Sure." He took the crackers and pressed the melting marshmallow in between and slowly slid it out the stick.

Ethan leans to his ear. "I like you better."

He stiffened and stared at him curiously.

"You make my Aunt Kathie so happy." He grinned.

"I do?"

Ethan nods. "I don't like it when she cries. Now I'm pretty sure she's never going cry as long as you're here."

Cade smiles at that. Because, hell, it felt so goddamn nice to earn the kid's approval. In fact, anyone at all that matter to Kathie. Then he frowned at himself.

"You're now her boyfriend, right?"

He almost choked. "No. I'm afraid not, buddy."

"Why not?" His shoulders sagged.

"Because she already has a boyfriend," he replies. There it was – the cold, harsh truth he'd been avoiding.

"Owen is still her boyfriend?" He pouted.

There was a triumphant flip in his gut at his negative acknowledgement to Owen Brenner.

"But I like you better."

"Ethan, baby, come here. Give your Uncle Cade some space." Chassie waves her son over and patted her lap.

Just then, Kathie comes back out from inside the house and happily reclaimed her seat next to him. "What did I miss?"

Vren took a swig of his beer. "Nothing much. Remember that one time when Christian made a scene?"

"That one time when he got slapped by Angela in the middle of the dance floor?"

Another round of laughter echoed in the backyard.

"I'm glad I hadn't missed the party." Chassie dabbed the corners of her eyes that started to water. She hadn't noticed that Ethan squirmed off her lap and slinked toward Vren and Christian.

Kathie's brown eyes lit up when Cade offered her the s'mores. "Thanks, Cadey. You have to warn me how much sweetness I'm about to put in my mouth."

"No chocolate," he reassured.

Her beautiful brows shot up. "Really? How did you know?"


She smiles. "This means I owe my nephew." She took a small bite and hummed appreciatively.

His nose crinkled.

"Don't give me that look." She glared at him.

"What? It's the same look you give me whenever I eat something too sweet for your liking."

She crossed her arms over chest.

"In fact, Kathie Jane, you ruined s'mores for me."

"It's not that bad." She held the s'mores to his mouth.

He shakes his head. "No."

"Just take a bite." She held it closer to his mouth. "One bite."

Cade sighed, his teeth cautiously sinking into the graham crackers. He bites down the tiniest portion and grimaces when he tasted just a plain, squishy marshmallow.

Kathie's lips pursed. "That bad?"

"Remind me not to take you camping."

"That's not fair."

"Hey, Kathie, do we all get to have a bite of the s'more?" Christian's voice interrupted them. There was a teasing smirk on his face. Sure, he was just teasing.

But Cade's response was unreasonably inappropriate. He shot his brother an annoyed look. His hand lodged on the small of her back. He had to resist a frown.

The gesture was possessive. And he knew all too well, he'd respond the same way if Kathie ever was to offer another a man a bite on the s'more.

Damn it, fine.

Maybe, not just a stupid s'more. 

Hi, guys! Say "hi" to what inspired this chapter. 👇👇. I wanted a s'more but I ended up eating the marshmallows and graham crackers separately because... my sister was at work and I can't attempt to make one without risking to burn the house down. My cooking skills is limited to "just add water" and "stir".

Anyways, vote and comment! Also, I wasn't sure if I bought the right marsmallows

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Anyways, vote and comment! Also, I wasn't sure if I bought the right marsmallows. Can you make s'mores with "any" marshmallows? My sister usually buys the white ones. As you can see, I went crazy on the colors. 👆They were on the racks, side by side and I grabbed this one because it was colorful.
Have I made the right decision to just wait for my sister to come home? 😌

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