(16) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

"I'll never drink that much again." I groaned.

There was a constant knocking on the door that goes louder in crescendo to the hammering in my head. I shifted uncomfortably, my hand shooting up to cover my eyes. I dragged myself out of the bed and shuffled out of my room. The trip from my bedroom to the door felt like a trek with my head weighing a ton.

"You ordered a couple of friends—whoa. What happened to you?" Jessica's grin fell flat.

Audrey raked her brown gaze over me. "You got hit by a car?"

"Nasty hangover." I opened the door further. "You know, given other circumstances I would be ecstatic to see the both of you finally together."

Jessica squealed. "I know, right? I practically drag her out of her office."

Audrey made a noncommittal sound of response before flicking a strand off my cheek. "You need Aspirin."

They ushered me to my kitchen, Audrey scoffing at the almost empty fridge. "When was the last time you ate?"

Jessica shakes her head in dismay at the meager content of my fridge. "How do you live without food? I'd rather have an empty closet than an empty fridge."

"But what are you going to wear?"

She rolls her shoulder. "I don't know. Make a dress out of meat?"

Audrey shot up her hand. "Kylie is on her way with food and Aspirin. I assume your fridge is a reflection to your medicine cabinet."

"Aw. You're so sweet." I waddled to her side and tugged her into a hug.

She stiffened, but hadn't protested.

"Let me get in on that." Jessica squeals and squeezed herself in.

Audrey patted our shoulders. "We done here?" She deadpans.

"For someone with a terrible hangover, you seemed to be in a good mood," Jessica remarks.

"I have my best gal pals greeting my morning." Plus, I have this hazy memory of Cade not being annoyed at me for once. I don't remember much details from last night – oh, wait. It was morning. Maybe it had been right that I stayed too long at Amber's party. I usually stop at two shots of vodka and leave before midnight.

The party was just not enough. Not that it wasn't loud enough. The disco lights had been blinding like the previous nights, but, somehow the sadness still snuck in. And let me tell you, the worst place to feel alone is definitely not a crowded party.

"Firstly, it's not even morning anymore. It's four in the afternoon. Secondly, you know the safest way to party hard is when one of us is at the said party." Audrey laid her bag on the counter.

Jessica snorted. "You've gone MIA. And I, let's face it, wasn't invited. Amber Nelson has banned me in her parties since that one fateful day at her sister's."

"In Joan Nelson's defense, you taught her kid the word 'boobies.'" She pointed out.

"In my defense, she invited me. And she knew long before that that I'm a loudmouth."

I laughed, excusing myself to call the front desk and requested to let Kylie up when she arrives. I padded back to the kitchen, my best friends now debating over which male lead in This Means War is hotter.

They turn to me to settle the argument. "Sorry, Jess. It's Chris Pine for me."

"Come on. Who doesn't like a guy with a British accent?"

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