(27) Cade

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Cade made his way through the revolving doors and to the expansive lobby of his apartment building. His phone buzzes in his hand. A small smile twitched his mouth.

"Good evening, Mr. Parkinson." The concierge manning the desk gives him a respectful nod.

Usually, his acknowledgement ranges from a subtle eye-contact to a slight nod. Surprising both of them, he smiled at him. "Good evening, Paul."

Paul's mouth parted, his eyes rounding as if in disbelief.

He had managed to catch and remember a few names of the staff—well, okay fine, all of the staff. Kathie talks to them whenever they run into them. Also, she's been sending their children gifts and writes both their names on the card. Cade has been thanked more in the past few weeks than he had in the first two decades of his life.

His phone rings, Kathie's name blinking across the screen. He answered the call as he walks toward the elevator.

"Are you here yet?" Kathie sputtered on the other line.

"Lobby," he answers.

She let out a groan. "You texted me that minutes ago."

"Two minutes," he corrected.

"How long does it take you to walk from the doors to the elevator?"

He chuckled. "Calm down a little. I'm waiting for the elevator."

"Pizza's getting cold."

"We can reheat it."

"But what about the ice cream?"

Cade shakes his head. "When you told me everything is ready for movie night, I thought you only meant TV is on."

"Well, now you know it means popcorn, pizza and chips ready. And I have something a little sweet for you."

The elevator finally slid open and he stepped in. "Are you bribing me to sit through a movie?"

"Of course, not. You owe me a movie night for not making it to the party the other night."

Cade chuckled. "Okay. I thought I was forgiven though."

"You know you are. You bribed me with a smoothie."

His lips curled. "What are we watching again?"

"Titanic." She chirped. "And you're not allowed to complain. Seriously, where are you?"


"What's taking you so long?"



Cade never was in a rush to leave his office. Hell, he wouldn't mind not coming home at all. However, these past few weeks had been different. He was actually looking forward to coming home from work.

He and Kathie would go to parties. He meets new people. It was bearable as Kathie promised him. Although he had to endure the matchmaking, Margot Fletcher was tolerable enough.

In the middle of his thoughts, the elevator doors pinged open. And he finds Kathie waiting in the hall for him. Her head snapped toward the elevator, her brown eyes sparkling beautifully.

He stepped out of the elevator, freezing when she smiled brightly like he was a sight to see.


He steps out of the elevator, putting his phone back to his pocket since the call had dropped.

Kathie skidded toward him and threw her arms around him in a welcome hug. It was brief. But felt nice nevertheless.

"I take it you couldn't wait inside?" He kids.

She clutches his wrist with her fingers and tugs him with her to the direction of her apartment. "I'm too excited to sit and wait."

He let her usher him to her living room where chips and popcorn were served on a huge bowl and the pizza was on the coffee table, waiting for the first slice to be taken out. Ice cream was too. Next to the glass bowls was a pink box he has yet to explore the contents of. When he sat on the sofa, the movie was one click away from starting.

"Loosen the tie, pal." Kathie flops down next to him, bunching the sleeves of her sweatshirt to her elbows.

"I'm comfortable enough."

"I'm not watching Titanic with a guy who's choking on his tie."

"It's not that tight." He frowned.

She only grinned and bats her lashes. "We have cupcakes. Strawberry cupcakes."

"Fine." He sighed, reaching for his tie to unknot it.

Kathie leans over the coffee table and opens the pink box with his price for loosening his tie in it. It amazes him how easily she remembers to use his sweet tooth against him.

She reaches for the remote and then seconds later, Titanic plays on her TV. For a person who was too excited the watch the movie, she talked over it.

"How was your day?" She pops a couple of chips to her mouth.

He shrugged. "Same as yesterday."


"Pretty much."

Her nose crinkled. "Mine was boring too."

"How so?"

"I stayed in my sweatpants all day. The only time I got out to buy the cupcakes, I didn't even bother changing. And now I'm pigging out on chips."

"You don't have to be productive every single day."

She shoves another chip to her mouth. "That does make me feel better. Anyway, I ran into Margot at the place I got the cupcakes from."

He turns to the TV as if avoiding the conversation.


"I'm watching the movie."

"I know. I'm watching it too."

"No. You're talking over it."

"I'm not."

He puts a finger over his mouth.

She pursed her lips at him. "But we're still talking."

"About what?"

"An attempt for a date with Margot Fletcher," she answers in a sing-song voice.

He snorted. "I thought it's your day off from the matchmaking."

"Matchmaking doesn't rest."

He stayed quiet.

"Cadey." She shifted all the way to him so she was no longer facing the television. Her full attention was on him.

Cade craned his neck slightly.

She was pulling her hair up mindlessly into a messy bun. She wasn't wearing makeup. Not even a speck. It was not the Kathie Jane in her designer party dresses. She was Kathie Jane in baggy sweatpants – hardly even trying to be attractive yet all he could think about is she is the most beautiful woman he's ever laid his eyes on.

"You just need to try. Just a little." Then she smiled. The bright smile that remains untarnished.

He's never the heart-on-the-sleeve type of guy. But he knew wherever it was tucked safely it was no longer safe. So, he hears himself say, "one date."


He nods.

"Are you sure?"

"But if I tell it wasn't great, you'll just leave it be."

She raises her right hand. "I promise."

Cadeclenched his jaw and struggled not to change his mind. 

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