chapter ten

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I was honestly starting to get angry about why he wasn't talking to me about last night. I'll confront him later, we're on the way to the victim's husband right now.

I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" a man answered. His eyes were red and bloodshot, face blotchy and swollen, dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes kept drooping. He pried them open to see who it was.

"Go tell your boss to shove your cameras in someone else's face, I-"

"Sir, we're not with the news. I'm Agent Walters and this is my co-worker, Doctor Reid. We just want to ask a couple of questions." I interrupted, flashing him our badges.

"YOU THINK I DID THIS? I SURE AS HELL DIDN'T MURDER SAVANNAH!" He screamed, tears threatening to spill out of his brown eyes. "My precious Savy, my poor, sweet Savy, Savy," He whispered to himself, now crying.

"No sir, please calm down. If you help us, we can justice for her killer."

He thought about this for a second and beckoned us inside. He guided us down a long hallway. Following was definitely something to be hesitant of, hands were on guns.

"Do you think this guy is mentally stable?" Spencer asked quietly.

"Quite honestly, yes. He has every right to be in a state of hysteria. He just lost his wife and son to a sadistic serial killer, but I do believe he's sane."

There was a quick nod. Finally, we were led into a beautiful living room. We talked a bit, and make some conclusions. We got back in the car and headed to the team.

"I've been thinking-"

"That's dangerous." Morgan teased.

"Haha." I spit sarcastically and shoot him a dirty look.

"And, what if we're not looking at the big picture. I mean it's obvious our victims are- er, rather were- beautiful. But these people had seemingly perfect lives. Loved their job, good looking, supportive family and friends. Maybe gender and looks aren't the big thing. It's more what seals the deal."

"Well what about cosmetic destruction?" J.J. asked.

"More of psychological torture. But the thing is, I think he's going to target the team."

A/N: I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS. (It's absolutely random but people on wattpad seem to use it all the time, but don't worry I don't plan on using it). WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN TO 'whisper sweet nothings' INTO SOMEONE'S EAR. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. I read 7 wattpad books today and they all said that. Is that like code or something? A wattpad rule that I missed when I skipped the terms and conditions [oops ;] that you have to have that appear at least somewhere? LIKE DAMN. Also: how does one even whisper "nothings" Exhibit A:

I ran my fingers through his curly hair and stared into his brown orbs [this word also kills me]. He touched my hair in return and whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

Is it whispering "Nothing nothing nothing nothing" over and over in a sweet voice? I'm sorry this belongs in a rant book or something (I should write one) but I need this answered guys.

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