the frustrated

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Last time we saw Ichigo's a$$, laid out on the street , pushed by a guy wearing an Elmo hoodie. Ichigo was knocked out in the rain all night, without anyone knowing.

It morning the sun was shining , the birds were singing. Unfortunately all that singing woke up therefore she threw a big a$$ rock at the birds. You know that saying kill two birds with one stone, Try fifteen.  Anyway Ichigo  ended up at the destination that she  wanted to go (urahara's shop). 

Ichigo pov-  that's funny, how did I end up at urahara's shop, and where's that punk who attacked me. I walk to the front of the shop, where urahara was drinking pitch black coffee, and some reason he had somebody held hostage for money or something. I asked urahara if he  had something that can cure  my condition, but he said he said no. He told me that he would try to get in contact with Mayuri. Since he use to work with him. Urahara had  many secrets,  the one secret I would like to know is , why did he held  boruto hostage. Guess we'll never know.

Later that day I was disappointed again, ever since I've became a girl , it's been down hill for me I just wish something good  happen to me just this once. Then I bumped in to rukia, hoping that she found Mayuri, but as bad luck played out she didn't find him.

No one's pov- sorry Ichigo , but captain Mayuri won't be back until next week.
Next week? Rukia you gotta be kidding me.

I wish I was, but the fact is the captains on a business trip. Study a new species .

F#ck the new species rukia, if the species ain't cure or elmo then I don't care. All is for him to fix this.

Ichigo ran off crying. Rukia tried to stop her, but she was Naruto running around the block.  Ichigo ran  quite a while . leaving, rukia in the process.

Ichigo's pov- I felt bad for yelling at rukia, but some times I let my emotions get the best of me. I walked past a store that had the my favorite snacks, I went in, hoping that eating them would cheer me up. I went  up to the register pay for the snacks, when this bull sh!t happened. I left my wallet at the house 😭 I couldn't catch a break.  Then I heard a man say it's on me, and the guy's voice sounded familiar. It was my best friend Chad, he had paid for all my snacks.he soon left, without realizing that it was me. I tried to get his attention , but as soon I got out  the store he had already left.

Chad's pov- the later it was the more I begin to worry about Ichigo. I haven't seen him in three days. Uryu tried calling him and oriheme  went over, but  they still didn't hear from him.  I got the feeling that something went down rather it was at the soul scoetiy or not , soon we'll find out. As made may way to my apartment I heard a loud boom noise, on the other side of the street.  This noise wasn't regular, I knew right then it had to be a hollow.  I took flight  towards the noise.

When I got over there,  I seen  a strange man with a Elmo hoodie on. I asked him why you got that f#cked up hoodie on, not asking him about the important question. The guy didn't response instead  he choke the sh!t out of me. I tried to fight back, but his spiritual pressure was to strong as well a his choke game. Luckily i lived but the creep got away.

After almost having the life choke out of me  I realized something. That guys strength was similar to a hollows but his personality was as a human. It was like he had plenty of rage to let out.   In some way I  felt that this was my fault for letting him go.😆

So i rushed as fast as I could towards the town.

Narrator: while Chad was chasing a sesame Street rapists, Ichigo was on the other side of town, still in her feelings.

Ichigo's Pov- to this moment, I was still in disbelief.  Being turned into a girl was not a part of my bucket list the last time I checked.  I can't even build up the courage to meet up with my friends, and tell them I'm alright. Not to mention hanging out with my sisters. I started to call my dad but before I could reach my phone. My stomach started to cramp, it seem like this pain kept getting worse each day, so I sat on a bench to rest a little. Just as I was sitting down. A lady came to check on me she had a nice personality, but her name was weird. Her name was speed of sound Sonic. She was waiting for her boyfriend genos to pick her up. We talked and had plenty of fun, but the  fun soon ended, when that creep with the Elmo hat showed up again. He tried to attack me again,but speed of sound Sonic  kicked him to the ground, she was fast, but the guy with the Elmo hoodie was faster, he smacked her to the ground, knocking her unconscious.  This guy's movements were out of this world, no way a human can have so much speed. 

I had a hunch about what he was. As  I turned  into a soul reaper, his energy shot up with hatred.  A soul reaper, I'll end your life quickly ( the mystery man said). So he ran  towards me in a blink of a an eye. I  barely saw his attack ,so kick him in the nuts as soon as possible. He hit the ground moaning in pain, while he was on the ground I hurried up, and stumped him in the nuts, before he got up.   He twitch and he rolled, and soon he started break dancing.

But at that point the man pushed me back with his energy.  I felled straight  back against a brick wall. My back felt like it was nearly broke, but I knew now was not the time to complain, I grabbed my zangpucto, slicing the guy multiple times. Not even that worked. He charged at me at a quicker paste not holding anything back.

It's ironic, I thought that guys were supposed to be gentle towards  a lady if that's so, why am I getting the dog sh!t beaten out of me.

No one's pov-

Look I don't know who you are or what your motives are, but you can't just go around injuring people. Tell me what you after.

The man didn't answer Ichigo at first. Instead he had a evil grin on his face.

He began to take his hoodie off, but before he could reveal his face . Ichigo went for the attack.  She nearly got him but the man manage  to slick his way out of that attack.

Your strong girly but not strong enough (the mystery man said)   Im surprised to see a girl like you  having so much power. Infact I think I've figured you out. Tell me girly are you Ichigo kurasaki.

Ichigo looked surprised, she just had to find out who this guy was. She soon answered his question.

And what if I am, will you then reveal your face to me.

Sure why not.

The man  took his hoodie off and Ichigo was surprised to who it was. It was Ichigo's rival, grimmjow.

Grimmjow?? Why the hell are you wearing an Elmo hoodie.

I told him it looked stupid (a voice said in the shadows)

Come on out luppi, your supposed to help me fight Ichigo remember.

Yeah I remember grimmjow. I guess I could some  fun killing a bitch like Ichigo.

Who you calling bitch, luppi. You look like you slept with hundreds of hollows

Grimmjow laughed at luppi, because he knew it was true.

Both Ichigo and luppi threw hands while grimmjow set back  enjoyed the show.

The battle was intense as both bitches slapping each other to the ground.

Grimmjow laughed at them even harder. He then got the idea to shot them both, but before he could act on it. Chad and shaggy beat grimmjows a$$. Grimmjow couldn't talk for weeks.

Ichigo and luppi's battle lasted for an hour but luppi had to retreat, do to the fact that his partner grimmjow, had four sets of up his a$$. Luppi calls grimmjow an idiot and they both flee.

After the fight was over Ichigo was bruised badly. Ichigo could hardly walk. Chad see this and confronts the red head girl, knowing that she was the girl from the store.

Chad asked the girl was she alright, carrying her to urahara's shop.

Now the funny thing about this was Ichigo had a chance to tell Chad . That he had been turned into girl but instead, Ichigo for some reason enjoyed being held by chad. So Ichigo didn't say anything.

Will Chad find out that the girl he's holding is Ichigo or will Ichigo fall in to her female ways and fall in love with her best friend . Find out next time on Chad balls deep.

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