trouble in the valley

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Ichigo pov-  I'm Ichigo kurasaki, (substitute soul reaper) and had just finished up a battle at the soul society, everything was going alright, till I had to go get treatment. My body had suffered badly after the fight, so my friend rukia suggested I go get mayuri's treatment, and let me tell ya it wasn't delightful. After the treatment, I woke up a few hours later to find myself with boobs, Yes  I got turned into a girl,so now I gotta find Mayuri, and have him fix this mess.

Narrator: Ichigo had hi- I mean her mind set on kicking Mayuri butt, so much that she forgot  that she had school tomorrow, So she stayed up all night thinking about the situation at hand. Rukia headed out saying that she would find Mayuri and have him whip up a cure. Meanwhile Ichigo finally come down her tits and went to bed.

Ichigo Pov- before I knew it, morning came,  and life felt like it body slammed me straight to the ground.  You think being turned into a girl would be suffering enough, but what came with it was complete chaos. My stomach was aching, I swear I was about to die. The pain kept getting worse and worse.  I  prayed to the  lord to ease this pain, and when he remove this pain Im Naruto running straight in the church ,and giving God all the prays. Then all of a sudden the pain stopped, and when I got out of bed the sheets were red all over. I knew right then what it was, I'm on my period, now what do I do.

Narrator:  while Ichigo was handling her situation. Rukia  was looking all around the soul scoetiy for captain Mayuri, but he was no where to be found.

Rukia Pov- I've searched hours for the guy, but not a trace of him yet, Instead of finding Mayuri, I bumped into my brother, captain byakuya kuchiki.  He told me that captain Mayuri is on a business trip, so my hopes of finding him just went down the drain. This is  just great  what am I supposed to tell Ichigo now.  Then out of no where renji had the nerve to try and scare me, so I smack whatever taste he had in his mouth. It was funny, I slap him so hard that his face turn red like baboon's a$$.  Ow  rukia it was just a joke, now the taste of my Mama's biscuits have been slapped (said renji).  Unfortunately I didn't have time to talk with renji, so I left him there with all his bull sh!t. After  leaving the soul scoetiy I felt  a strange pressure in the air, and it was following me, it kept getting closer and closer. I couldn't tell if it was a hollow or not, but after a few seconds it just vanished.
I tried to convince myself that it was nothing, but my instincts were telling me to be cautious, so I lowered my spiritual pressure and headed straight for uraraha's shop.

Ichigo's Pov-  today was a total dump, my period was driving me crazy, I'm in a bad mood and cone kept staring at my boobs.
My life went upside down real quick. Because of this girl change, I couldn't interact with none of my friends nor my family, so I stayed up in my room for the whole entire day. My phone rang a couple of times but I refused to pick it up. This can't  be happening , this can't be happening ( I said repeatedly). Then I heard my sister Karin at the door. Ichigo hey Ichigo  are you alright, we haven't seen you all day (said Karin) but I refused to answer. I couldn't  let my little sister see me like this, she'll think I'm some kind of  freak, so I decided to sneak out of the house, but as I started to do so, my dad jumped  his a$$ through my window, broke the whole d@mn glass.  Ichigo come on, you can't stay up in your room all day.(said my dad) when he  looked at me he didn't  recognize me at first , then he took a good glance, and yelled. Before I knew it I put the most spectacular foot in his a$$.  My dad was straight up confused, so I let him in on what happened to me. After I told him, he promised not to tell Karin nor yuzu about this.  You would think that my old man would be freaked out about all this but he just cried for a sec, telling me that he and mom always wanted three daughters, dad rushed up out of the chair and hugged me, squeezing the life out of me.

Later that night  I decided to head over to uraraha place to see if he could fix this. I jumped out the window to avoid being spotted. I struggled to get out of my room all because of this period problem. I don't get it  how do girls deal with this. I finally got outside, and when I did, it began to rain. Of all the time it could've rain, now would be the best time.  Well I guess there's no  need of me complaining  about it now, all I knew for sure was ,that  getting to the shop was an absolute must. Few minutes past and it seem like I was getting no where. My stomach kept cramping, and cramping up, I couldn't bare it, when made my way at the corner of the street, I saw man who looked familiar. The guy kept getting closer and closer towards me, his presence was malicious and evil like. I tried to make a run for it but his spiritual pressure stopped me, I couldn't move at all.

Narrator: the mystery man finally caught up to Ichigo slamming her into a fence. Man was wearing a hoodie, covering his face up completely. I found you Ichigo kurasaki, prepare to die (the man said)  but just as the man drew his fist back for  a punch. The man realized  that he had approached   the wrong person so he thought.  I could've sworn you were Ichigo. That spiritual pressure of yours is similar to  his (the man said) this was an advantage towards Ichigo. Now that he's a girl all of his enemies  won't be able to recognize him.
The mystery man left without a trace, and his spiritual pressure  disappeared. Ichigo would've trailed him but she was to weak and in pain to move. The rain poured down even more, making Ichigo's condition a lot worse. Ichigo passed out shortly after a few minutes. Leaving Ichigo no where to be found.

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