weird dates

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Previously  soi fon had a favor to ask of kisuke urahara about a important mission.
What that mission is let's find out.

It was twelve in the morning, and kisuke had just agreed on going to the soul society with soi fon to solve this case.

No one's Pov

Kisuke: so soi fon what's the mission about anyway.

Soi fon was quite. She had an expression on her face as if explaining the situation would make her cringe.

Soi fon: look kisuke just come with me to the soul scoetiy. The head captain will explain everything there.

Kisuke shrugged and just went with it.

When  kisuke and soi fon made it to the soul scoetiy. They saw the head captain waiting for them at the gate. The head captain had a serious look on his face as if he had stepped in  some dog turds.

Kisuke: hello head captain how's it going.

But the head captain didn't care for kisuke's greetings. Instead he just went straight to the point about the mission.

Head captain: kisuke urahara, I will be needing your expertise of investigation for this mission.  Recently there were reports about people seeing new breeds of hollows,
The attributes of these new hollows are quite strange.

Strange how? (Kisuke asked)

Head captain: you see kisuke. most of the hollows we know. Go around killing random people. However these new  hollows  don't kill, instead they go around searching for  big booty women. 

After hearing this Kisuke dropped his head counting his fingers.

Soi fon: Kisuke why are you counting.

Little did they know, Kisuke was counting how many  girls he had at the world of the living.

Head captain: anyways I want you and soi fon to investigate. See where these  hollows keep coming from and find out why they're after big booty women, cause I want one.

So urahara and soi fon went out to find the rare hollows.

Meanwhile Ichigo had her own problem to deal with, since Ichigo couldn't go to school as of  right now, rukia brought the assignment to her. All that homework made Ichigo's head spin.

Ichigo pov

Even though I worried for days about being turned into a girl, the homework kept my mind off  of things, but after rambling around a few math problems  I just gave up. Math kicked my a$$ that night, so I called my neighbor katelin to kick it's a$$ back. Katelin is so smart she kicked a college student's a$$.

later that day I had a taste for some ice cream, so I went down the stairs to the freezer to see what we had. I opened the freezer and saw the best flavor of them all, and it was called, not a d@mn thang , because my sisters ate up all the best flavored ice cream.  This was a crisis  for  my a$$, so I left home and went straight for dairy Queen. On the way there I met up with chad. When Chad saw me, his mouth just dropped, as he was very shocked to see me as a female.

No one's pov

Chad: so Ichigo how did this happen

Ichigo: it's a long story but I'll fill  you in later, right now ice cream is calling me.

So Chad and Ichigo went to dairy Queen.
Ichigo was glad to hang out with Chad again, even though Chad wasn't use to seeing Ichigo like this, still  he knew that he couldn't neglected a friend, so the two had a good time stuffing there face with loads of ice cream.

After eating tons of ice cream, Chad had a tremendous case of brain freeze, and Ichigo got drunk. How the f#ck did she got drunk off ice cream , we'll never know.

Ichigo saw that it was getting late,  she remembered what her dad said about the new curfew. Her day was real overprotective now.

Ichigo: sorry chad it's been fun but I gotta go, before my dad flips out.

Before Ichigo left she turned towards chad hugging him, and thanking him  for a good time, Chad didn't know what to say, as he inhaled Ichigo's big breasts.  Chad tried to tap out but it was too late for him, he had already passed out. Shortly the ambulance came for him.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, urahara and soi fon had no luck finding the rare hollows, so they took a break at a rib shack.

Urahara: so soi fon what kind of food do you like anyways.

Soi fon: I prefer lite foods, such as salads and tofu. Why you asked.

Urahara: just curious.

Soi fon: look this isn't a  date urahara, so don't get the wrong idea.

Urahara: don't worry I wasn't thinking anything like that.

Then the waiter appeared.

Waiter: what can I get y'all today.

Soi fon: do you have anything lite.

Waiter: well we don't this fruit called jack fruit. You can make a meat substitute out of it.

Soi fon: then I'll have that.

Urahara: and I'll have  the chopped Kermit please.

Waiter: coming right up.

So urahara and soi fon waited and as they waited, they  didn't say  a  single word to each other. Soi fon looked like she wanted to pop a cap in his a$$, and urahara was so uncomfortable that he stared into space.

Finally the food came. Soi fon took a bite out of the jack fruit, she nearly threw up.

Soi fon: yuck!!🤮😫 What kind of fruit is this, an alien.

Urahara See's this and started laughing.

Soi fon: what's  so funny urahara, do you want a foot in your a$$.

Urahara: no ma'am. No d@mn.

Urahara offered some of his food to her. But  she quickly turns it down.  To be honest soi fon didn't want anything to do with urahara, she just didn't understand him or liked him at all.

Urahara: soi fon can I ask you a question, why do you hate me.

Soi fon didn't answer, instead she just left, running out of the shack with tears in her eyes.

Urahara: soi fon wait!!

Urahara was confused, he didn't expect soi fon to have such  emotions towards him.

Urahara: I wonder what  that was all about, I'd better find her before those booty   snatching hollows do.

Thank you for reading. Be sure to check out my sister's  stories as well. Go to katelinanderson 4 and you'll find her stories thank you and God bless.

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