soi fon's feelings

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Narrator pov- after searching for hollows all night. Urahara and soi fon decided to take a break at a restaurant.where urahara paid for both of their meals. They talked for a minute. but  shortly the conversation was put a  side. As soi fon left urahara crying. Out of the blue. Urahara was left confused at the situation at hand.

Urahara pov- i don't understand why she would just storm off like that. I know I didn't say anything to affend her. I quickly paid the waiter and went out looking for her. As I was walking down the street. I noticed something weird in the atmosphere . It seemed as if it was a shooting star. But oh how wrong I was. What seem to be star was actually one of those rare hollows.  They flew they're a$$ down and kicked my a$$. I tried my best to put a foot in one of their a$$e$ but my efforts were in vain. After being stomped on multiple times.  I fainted and couldn't move at all. Soon as the hollows finished stomping my a$$. I then fined myself covered in bandages and looking at a sad soi fon. Who was rubbing my face with ease.

No one's pov

Soi fon: urahara are you ok. I'm  sorry I left. I don't know what came of over me.

Urahara: it's alright. Don't feel guilty about anything. Besides  I'm still living aren't I.

Urahara then coughed up some massive amounts of blood. Barely breathing in the process.

Soi fon: look at you. You a beat up mess. And you expect me to not feel guilty. If I didn't let my emotions get in the way of our mission. Then you wouldn't have been injured. It's all my fault. (Soi fon said with tears ruining down her face)

Urahara looks at  soi fons. As he saw her suffering inside. He couldn't stand to see a lady cry. He touched her hands but as he did. Her face lit up like the sun. She looked straight into urahara's eyes. Feeling hot and bothered.

Soi fon pov-  I know this n!gga ain't giving me the puppy look.  This is one of the reasons why I can't stand his sheep dog looking a$$. It's one thang when you make me feel guilty. But it's another when you make a bitch moist.  I know he's just concerned  about me. But still the way he looks at me feels so wrong. I turned looking the other way. As I smack his hands off mines. He gave me this odd look. What's up with you (he asked) but i refused to answer. I just couldn't let him know about the way I feel.

No one's pov

Urahara knew exactly what was going on. He didn't want to bother her about it so he did what any pimp do. just played it cool and wait for the right time.

Urahara: well sense you're not in the mood to talk. Mine helping me home. I don't think I  can barely move with all these fractured bones.

Soi fon: oh right (she stutters)

Grabbing him gently  around his waist. soi fon manage to carry a broke down urahara. All the way to the shop. Once they got there.  She placed urahara in the back room. Were she covered him up with some big a$$ blankets.

Urahara: don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for the blankets. But this is too much.

Soi fon: what do you mean too much. You need blenty of blankets to support the wounds.

Urahara: d@mn it these blankets ain't doing sh!t. But  choking me. It's like I'm fighting a losing battle just  to breathe. To breathe d@mn it.

Soi fon rolled her eyes. Feeling annoyed by urahara's whining. 

Soi fon: alright I'll take the stupid covers off and if you're not satisfied with that. then your up the creek. I don't intend to be your maid.

Urahara couldnt see why she was acting this way. Few minutes ago she was so concerned about him and now she back to treating him like sh!t.

Urahara: soi fon tell me something. Do you hate me or....

Soi fon: eat sh!t urahara.


And the crowd goes silent.

Urahara's pov- with a occurred night gone. You'd expect to the next day to be better but then life has away of punching yo a$$ to weirder things. Here I was just waking up to another morning (thank you Lord) when I see yoruichi eating 50 pounds of eggs and  the biggest pancake in the universe. My first reaction was. ... (Bitch gimme some!!) I said with excitement. Yoruichi gave me the bird finger while skipping towards the front.  Don't worry You're is right here (a voice said to me) I look up to see soi fon in a tight pink maid dress.  I didn't know what to take. The plate or the maid.  My eyes couldn't believe it. Soi fon in a maids outfit. I had to be dreaming. To my knowledge I was not. Because my arms still feel they've been at war. I could barely move my arms to reach for the plate. So soi fon fed me. I could tell she uncomfortable doing this for me. But I just kept eating that good a$$ breakfast. 

Hey soi fon. why did you run out of the  restaurant last night. Did I say something wrong or.....

She puts her fingers across my lips silencing me.  I couldn't imagine what was going through her mind. She had been acting so weird towards me lately that it seems so unreal.  She  was finally ready to say something. Till the unthinkable happened.  Yoruichi Walt's her a$$ in. And kicked my head towards soi fon's causing me to accidently kiss her.  Yoruichi is always f#cking up my life. With her none breakfast sharing a$$. And now I gotta deal with an angry soi fon.

No one's pov

Urahara: I'm sorry soi fon it wasn't me I didn't mean to kiss you. Your dumb a$$ teacher kicked me in the back of the head and....


Before urahara said another word soi fon grabbed him and french kissed him. Soi fon bite urahara's lip's and grabbed his junk.

Urahara: wait so you're not mad?

Soi fon: no? It's been rough fighting these feelings but now here's my chance to let them go. Urahara you're mine. (As she said with lust)

Soi fon unlatched her maids dress and .......😁😁🥺🙊😳
That's it folks have a goodnight.

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