8 years before the breakout

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Shane and I were laughing as we played dress up when I wanted to play a new game.
"Knights and Princesses!" I yelled and Shane giggled at me as we both ran to my dress up chest to put on costumes.
"We need a monser" Shane pulled out the dragon mask after we were both in costume and I snatched it from him and ran off to the living room.
"Daddy! Daddy! Weplayinknighsnprincessnweneeamonser!" I yelled really fast and handed daddy the mask hoping he'd play with us. Daddy looked at me confused and his eyes went a little wide when Shane came bounding around the corner after me in the fluffy pink princess dress. After a few seconds of staring daddy stood up and went to Shane.
"Jay, boys aren't princesses" daddy calls Shane Jay for Junior because Daddy's name is Shane too.
"Is jus pretend Daddy" Shane just did a twirl making me giggle.
"You can't wear things like that, okay? Boys don't wear dresses" Daddy reached for the velcro on the back of Shanes dress but Shane ran so I followed. I'm the knight so I gotta protect the princess! We ran back to our room and Shane hid under his bed and I stood with a plastic sword. "Shane Walsh Junior, I am not playing with you" Daddy spoke in that voice that means we're in trouble and I dropped my sword.
"I jus wanna play!" Shane yelled from under the bed and Daddy reached under and yanked him out hard. Shane was crying while daddy took the velcro dress and princess crown off of him before tossing him back onto his bed, Shanes feet never touching the ground. Daddy grumbled and left the room while Shane was still crying on the bed. I just watched him cry from my bed until Daddy yelled up that it was time for Dinner with the Grimes. After a few minutes of neither of us making an effort to go down Carl ran in and started bouncing on top of Shane, restarting the crying.
"Are you okay?" Carl jumped off of Shane and onto the floor and Shane sat up holding his arm to his body. He just nodded. "Shane says you gotta come down for dinner" my brother and I get up to go downstairs with Carl, me still in my knight suit. When we got down Daddy and Mr Rick and Mrs Lori talked during dinner and Carl tried to talk to me and Shane but Shane just poked at his food, holding the arm daddy grabbed close to him. Eventually Carl and I finished eating and Shane hadn't taken a bite. "If you're not gonna eat come play with me!" Carl yelled and yanked on Shanes arm causing him to scream. The grownups came running over, Lori picking up Carl, Rick going to Shane and Daddy holding me.
"What happened baby Shane?" I got worried because Shane always laughed when Rick called him baby Shane but he just stayed frowning holding his arm. Mr Rick noticed and tried to pull his arm away only for him to scream again. "I'm sorry, I won't move it okay?" Shane nodded and Mr Rick rolled up his sleeve showing off a big purple spot in the shape of a hand on the lower half of Shanes arm. "What happened?" Rick asked Shane but shot a quick look to Daddy.
"I fell..." Shane lied. Shane never lies, not ever!
"I caught him when he fell down the stairs earlier, didn't realize he was hurt..." Daddy lied too! He just lied like it was nothing! Carl didn't wanna leave us so we all rode to the hospital and Daddy lied to the doctors and Shane got his arm in a little sling. I was the knight... I was supposed to protect him but he got hurt and had to lie and I didn't even say anything... I'm the worst knight ever.

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