Day 9

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"I~ah~ah~m hooked on a feelin'!" I screamed the lyrics to 'Hooked on a feeling' from the top of a u-haul. "I'm high on believin'! That you're in love with me~!" I pouted a little seeing Shane leave the building across the street. The way we scavenge for more supplies is I make a lot of noise from a safe spot and Shane empties the areas the freaks came from. Of course then he has to kill all of the freaks that came because of the sound but it works out pretty well for us. It took about an hour for him to finish the last of the freaks. I slid down the front window onto the hood of the truck.
"We're gonna need to start going deeper into the city" Shane spoke nonchalantly as he rummaged through the freaks pockets.
"Aw, I liked being a distraction" I get to do whatever so long as it's loud. But any further into the city and this plan would be a death wish.
"You didn't have to whack like fifty freaks!" he gestured to the street full of bodies.
"Semanti-" I stopped mid sentence as Shane spun around, pulling out his gun. He had it aimed at an asian guy who I hadn't noticed was there.
"Woah! Hey! I'm not a bad guy!" he put his hands up but Shane didn't lower the gun.
"What do you want?!" I yelled hoping he was just walking through or he would turn and walk back the way he came.
"Where are your parents?"
"Where are your parents?" Shane quipped, making me giggle.
"Fair enough..." he looked like he was thinking during the silent standoff. "I have a group... theres a little girl and a little boy your age" Shane lowered his gun, not by much but he lowered it. "I'm Glenn Rhee what are your names?"
"This is Isobel, and my names Shane" Shane holstered his gun but kept his hands ready to point it again.
"Wait. Is your Dad Shane Walsh?" shit.
"Yeah, you know him?" please just tell us that asshole dropped dead.
"He's leading my group" goddamnit.
"Did you drive?" I questioned, knowing that we were gonna have to join Dads stupid group. Glenn shook his head as we made our way to a black SUV. "Hop in" we kept all are stuff in the truck so we could move easily so Glenn had to sit on the center console.
"How old are you?" he looked nervous as he questioned me as I sat behind the steering wheel.
"Thirteen" he squealed as I hit the gas and made a sharp turn to get onto the right street.

"Never again..." Glenn dragged himself out of the truck, looking like he'd puke any second.
"Glenn what's going on?" I heard Dad's voice questioning Glenn and took a deep breathe before we had to stand to face that sperm donor of a father.

We talked with Dad's group until it was dark. They mostly asked about how we survived the bombs and stayed alive. Eventually they let us go set up cots in dad's tent. We were both exhausted from talking to other people for the first time in a while so we just flopped onto our cots to fall asleep. As my eyes closed I chuckled at the sight of Shane curled up with the unicorn cat doll Rick got him a long time ago. It had some stupid sounding name that always made me laugh... oh yeah lady Rainicorn.
I bolted up at the sound of the tent flaps opening quickly and someone kicking at the dirt outside. The tent was empty so I peeked out of the tent only to see dad holding Shanes doll. "What have I told you about this thing?" Dad threw lady Rainicorn into the fire. "With everything that's going on, you need to be a man and protect your sister, do you understand me?" Shane nodded and Dad started towards the tent. I practically dove into my cot and pretended to sleep until eventually I did.
"Morning..." I half yawned as I lifted my head off of my cot. I must've over slept since this was the first time in awhile I slept in a bed but Shane was already up. Actually I don't think he slept. "How bad is it?" I saw him holding his shoulder and biting his lip. I winced just looking at the burns on his hands. He probably tried to grab his unicorn thing from the fire. He got up and motioned for me to follow. Everyone was still yawning and setting up for breakfast so no one noticed us sneak into the woods. "What'd he do?" I questioned once we got to a clearing. Shane wordlessly showed me his shoulder and I almost gagged at the sight of his visibly dislocated shoulder. "Ew!" I've never seen an arm do that!
"Thanks that really makes me feel better" Shane quipped through gritted teeth.
"I don't know how to put it back!" I whisper yelled at him.
"Neither do I!" he responded in the same whisper. It was quiet for a few minutes as I tried to examine his shoulder and see if we could fix it. "Finding Dad was a mistake" I hissed as I plopped on the ground and rubbed my eyes. We were fine on our own... when I looked up one of the rednecks, Daryl I think, was snapping Shanes arm into place.
"Thanks..." Shane hissed grabbing his shoulder again. We were all quiet knowing that he heard what I said about dad.
"You gonna say how ya got that?" we knew he meant were we gonna tell other people at the camp. Shane shook his head and Daryl sighed. "We're going huntin' today" the way he looked at Shawn it was an obvious invitation and I doubt I was invited.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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