Day 1

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"Happy birthday baby sister" I shook my twin sister awake promptly at 8, which I learned through trial and error is the earliest I can wake her without getting kicked in the face.
"Two minutes..." she sat up grumbling about the small difference in age between us.
"Maybe in two minutes you'll be mature enough to accept that those two minutes make me older than you" I smirked. I used that joke every time she brought it up but I still found it funny.
"Ha. Ha. Ha" Iz faked a laugh as I moved a tray of food onto her lap for her to have breakfast in bed. I made all of her favorites; pancakes with whip cream faces and strawberries, oranges cut into thirds specifically, a chocolate ice cream snowman with black licorice arms and a candy face, and little hotdogs cut into an octopus. She has really weird preferences but it's her birthday. I started tidying up her side of our room while she ate. "You gotta eat" she commented halfway through the buffet I had made her.
"Not hungry" I just don't really have much of an appetite.
"You didn't eat at all yesterday..." I shrugged.
"I'm just not that hungry"
"Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we've gotta go back to dad tomorrow" I rolled my eyes.
"Oh I'm sorry Doctor" I gave in and had a few bites before we made some birthday plans. "Wanna go to mom's garage or get some candy from Save lots?" Iz loves going to the garage because Dad said she isn't allowed to.
"Save lots" she declared after thinking on it for awhile. We were up, dressed, and out the door in under 10 minutes.

We split up in the candy aisle, her to the chocolate and me to gummys. It hadn't been more than a few minutes before we heard a ear shattering scream. We looked towards each other only to see a man jump at a woman, biting her face in the middle of the candy aisle. "Shane!" Iz yelled, looking to me to tell her what to do and I froze for half a second before I saw the man turn from the now dead woman to her.
"Camping section now!" I yelled as I jumped on the guys back, holding his arms down with my own. I tried to choke him out as I had seen and experienced first hand but he just kept trying to bite at me! It wasn't until hands with long poorly painted nails grabbed me that I noticed the dead lady wasn't on the ground anymore. I let go of the man to try and get away but more people like them came from each side. I pulled out a pocket knife Dad gave me for my 5th birthday and slashed at there arms only for them to keep trying to grab me. It was long before I was over powered and got caught. I struggled and slashed and stabbed anything within reach until I heard something like a light gasp. My knife was in a mans head. I quickly decided to think about it later before killing the other things in the aisle and running towards the camping section. I let out a sigh of relief noticing that she had grabbed a knife like I thought she would.
"What are we doing?!" I quickly pulled down a huge expensive looking backpacks and picking the lock to the case for the hunting rifles.
"Grab the biggest bag you can manage, anything useful that doesn't need electric, and we double back for food and water" the screams aren't just from inside the store. Whatever it is it's probably affecting all of Atlanta at least.
"What's happening Shane?!" I grabbed the rifles and moved on to grab any ammo, smaller guns. When I looked up to find the tents I saw a man climbing over the aisle above Izzy. I loaded one bullet in a .22 and shot between his eyes- well eye and gaping bite mark. "Oh my god Shane!" I started grabbing other essentials.
"I'll explain later! Grab weapons too!" she nodded, slowly grasping the situation.
"The pantry goods are in the back of the store" she spoke up after we had picked through the camping section. On our way we stepped on bodies piled on bodies each with a slightly ashen tone.
"Don't let those things touch you okay?" whatever they are they aren't human anymore.
"Worst birthday ever..." Isobel muttered and I chuckled, thinking how saying stuff like that always makes it worse.
"Let's get back to the apartment and grab our clothes and stuff" we barely took five steps before the ground shook and the sound a bomb pierced trough the screams outside.

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