1 month before the break out

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"Have you lost your damn mind?! What were you thinking?!" I groaned and slouched in the back of the police cruiser as my dad lectured me.
"Izzy, what you did was a serious crime" Rick spoke up from the drivers seat, eyeing me through the rear view mirror but I just turned to Shane. How is it I try to steal a car and he's the guilty looking one?
"I'm twelve, what you gonna do throw me in jail?" I scoffed.
"Exactly! You're twelve! Why the hell are you stealing a car?!" Dad yelled looking back at me and I just rolled my eyes at him.
"Where would you have even learned that?" Rick questioned and Shane answered with a mousy voice.
"Mom let's us come to the garage and watch her work..." we only get to see her once or twice a month but she doesn't really care about us.
"What does their mom do?" Rick questions Dad but he shrugs so I answered.
"She works for security companies testing systems for cars and houses and stuff"
"Should I expect a B&E charge next?" Dad scoffed and I turned to stare out the window. "Why didn't you stop her? You're her brother it's your job to be keeping her outa messes like this-" I cut him off.
"Funny I thought that was your job" I felt a bubble of pride inside as I stood up for my brother. I always want to but this is the first time I actually did, maybe because I'm already in more trouble than I've ever been.
"Isobel Walsh you listen good right now, I am your father and you will respect me" Dad turned in his seat and pointed at me with that look in his eyes. The look I'd only ever seen him give to Shane.
"Yessir" I baulked immediately, the slightest hint of fear in my voice. Dad locked eyes with me for a few seconds before he turned back.
"I'm not sending you back" I jerked up from my slouched position knowing he meant moms place.
"What?! No way!" Mom sucks at being a mom but she's ten billion time better than dad!
"She taught you how to steal a car!"
"You taught us how to shoot!" at 5! Imagine two toddlers with .22s.
"Did you shoot somebody or did you steal a car?"
"That's not fair Dad! Please!" I begged and he looked to Rick. I made puppy eyes in the rear view mirror.
"Maybe a discussion with Jane before you head straight to the courts... you don't want this on Izzys record" Dad nodded and I relaxed a bit.

"Are you gonna tell me why you stole the car?" Rick questioned me after Dad went to thank the officer that caught me for letting me go and sending Shane to the vending machines.
"I was gonna run away..." I admitted. I'd always been closer to Rick than anybody else- besides Shane.
"What? Why? What about your brother?" I scoffed.
"He wouldn't just not come with me" I could walk out right now with no plan or way to get out and he'd stand by my side... but I can't even protect him...
"You didn't say why you were running" Rick pulled me from my thoughts, probably noticing the sullen look on my face.
"Mom barely even acknowledges we exist and Dad..." I paused thinking about all the times Shane said not to tell anyone, before I continued. "Dad hurts Shane..." Rick furrowed his eyebrows in confused disbelief.
"What are you saying?" I opened my mouth but shut it just as quick as Dad walked up.
"We gotta go, bank robbers. You young lady are gonna stay in Patricas sight" he pointed to the front desk lady that was talking with Shane and I nodded.

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