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chapter thirteen
"that was kinda hot"

chapter thirteen"that was kinda hot"

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      AFTER WHAT SEEMED LIKE twice as long of a walk before, Lynn had finally arrived back to John B's shack, the Chateau. She was heaving at this point, due to the fact her lungs couldn't properly suck in a good amount of air and probably because her hand was still massively dripping blood. She had used one of the bandana's she stole from John B awhile ago, and wrapped it around her cut in hopes to stop some of the bleeding.

She really hoped the boys weren't awake, or just wouldn't pay attention to the messy Lynn as she entered the home, which she knew probably wouldn't happen.

As she swung open the door to the Chateau, she quietly peered through the living room and kitchen, trying to see if either of the boys were up and running. When she didn't hear anybody, she took a step carefully inside. Her eyes landed on the now empty pull-out couch, and started to wonder where both the boys were hiding. Her blue eyes then drifted out back, towards the boat and dock, and saw that both JJ and John B were talking while relaxing on the boat. 

Lynn let out a huge breath of relief as she immediately took off into the bathroom, inching to just take off the dirty clothes that were stained with the beer that was covering her fathers floor. She quickly shed the shirt, exposing her black swimsuit top, and then took off the blue jean shorts for her bottoms. She grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from her backpack, and tossed them on as fast as she could. After she deemed her outfit clean enough, she then untied the bandana from her cut, wincing as she still felt the pain bubbling in the wound.

Lynn swung open the bathroom mirror, that exposed a first aid kit. She unlocked it as carefully as she could, not wanting to hurt her hand anymore. Then, she grabbed a cleaning wipe and a large enough bandage to wrap around her palm a few times. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she wanted to whine out in pain as she used the antibiotic wipe, but refused to let one out. Lastly, Lynn wrapped the white bandage a few times around her cut, the blood already seeping through.

She let out a loud sigh as she placed both her hands on the sink, looking at her self in the mirror. Her hair was jumbled up in a mess, while she swore she still saw the finger marks of where her dad wrapped his fingers around her neck. She slowly lifted her shirt up, exposing her stomach, and cringed a bit as she already saw a massive, somewhat blue, bruise growing on her left rib cage.

She dropped the shirt back down, and took a moment to take in a deep breath, one to calm herself down before she went out there to talk to John B and JJ.

She didn't want to the two boys to know the shit she goes through, because she was afraid she would turn into a victim and they'd never look past it.

✓ 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑, 𝘫. 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘬 ¹Where stories live. Discover now