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chapter fourteen

chapter fourteen"because she FELT UNCOMFORTABLE"

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      "POPE, WE'RE NOT STEALING THE drone. We're borrowing it."

The scooby gang were heading on their way to JJ's fathers old workplace, an dingy salvage yard. Lynn and JJ were leaning against Kie's passenger seat, where the boy was perfectly rolling one of his best blunts yet. Pope was behind John B at the wheel, and he had his arms crossed dramatically while staring out the window, attitude clear on his face.

"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality," Pope stated, and Lynn poked his arm with a smile on her face.

"That's beautiful, Pope," Lynn commented, placing a hand on her chest while fluttering her eyelids in Pope's direction.

"Did you come up with that yourself?" John B questioned, peering in the back mirror quickly before turning his attention back to the road. 

"Albert Bernstein came up with it."

"Oh," Lynn pursed her pink lips as she sat there feeling a bit dumber than usual — which had always seemed like an obscene amount.

      Pope spun on his back to glance towards John B and Kie, but Lynn and JJ stayed in their comfortable spots where their hips were casually bumping into each other.

      "So, which is it?" Pope asked. "Fantasy or reality?"

      "Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ questioned, his eyes not leaving the white blunt to even look up to the boy as he was finishing up the roll of perfection, and Lynn ended up shoving her elbow into his chest annoyingly.

      "He's not weird, asshole, just smart," Lynn defended, and Pope gave her a quick high five for having his back, he then held his hand for Kie or John B, but both avoided it. "Okay, maybe a little weird, but still smart!"

      "It's fantasy, but possible reality," Kie responded to Pope's earlier question, and her face looked as if she had more than just their troubles on her mind.

      "Reality," John B stated, his voice full of confidence, and it didn't hover once.

      "Virtual reality," JJ muttered under his breath, cracking open his silver lighter as it finally seemed the blunt finished, placing it smoothly between his pink lips.

      But just as soon as he was about to light the blunt, it was quickly snatched out of his grasp by Pope, who tossed it near the back of the van. JJ looked honestly offended by Pope's action, and closed his lighter dramatically. That was when Lynn felt the van come to a halt, and she glanced over her shoulder to look out the window.

      "Alright, Lynn and Kie, boat, water, or salt?"

      This was the Pogue style of the simple game of rock, paper, or scissors, that had a little bit of a spin to it. The boat would be the rock, the water would be the paper, and the salt would be the scissors, all beating the one that was previously stated.

✓ 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑, 𝘫. 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘬 ¹Where stories live. Discover now