~ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬~

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I awoke just after the sun had started to rise, its golden rays peeking out from behind the trees to the East of my home. Standing up and stretching, I quickly changed into some casual gear, comfortable enough to ride for days in. As I approached my pack, I paused, turning around and looking at the little cottage that had been my only safe place for so long. Hopefully, I'd live to see it again, someday.

I gave the doorframe a small pat before taking a deep breath and swinging my large pack onto my back, putting on my many weapons, and walking out the door, not looking back, again.

I walked to the small stable I'd built for my horse, Lillie. It was right next door, and it contained all of my riding gear: saddles and such. It didn't take me long to get the saddle put on and for me to mount, taking off in the direction of the Shire.


After a full day of riding, I knew that Lillie was beyond exhausted, as was I. We stopped in a small town that's name I had already forgotten, and I found a pub with beds available for rent with a stable down the road a bit. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

The next day was roughly the same. We passed through villages every so often, but it was mostly just barren landscape. I'd never noticed how beautiful the fields and hills of Middle-Earth really were. I'd forgotten how much I missed the fresh air and the breeze in my hair.

On the eve of the third day of travel, I finally entered the Shire. A green door with a mark. That's what I had to find. As it was getting later, I decided to make haste in finding said door.

We rode slowly, so as not to draw attention, but I kept my eyes peeled, staring at every door. He had said green, right? I began to doubt myself. There was a yellow one with chipped paint. Could that be a mark?

I began to lose faith in my navigating skills, and I was about to give up hope and accept that it was all a filthy trick before I finally caught sight of it. A round, green door with a small marking like a tree without leaves in the middle, closer to the bottom. "Aha, finally. I found you," I muttered to myself, making a passerby glance at me in concern.

I led Lillie into the yard, instructing her not to eat the greenery or shrubs but also knowing that she couldn't understand me. There were only two other ponies in the yard at the time, but I could see a few more in the distance, growing closer.

I walked up to the door, raising my hand to knock... but I froze. I couldn't bring myself to do it. "Lass? Are you going to knock, or should I?" I heard from behind me. Apparently, I had missed the ancient-looking dwarf standing behind one of the ponies. He was rather short with a great, bushy beard which was a light grey, almost white.

I stepped aside, "Please, after you." He gave me an odd look, but stepped closer to the door. "Have we met? I'm sure I would recognize a lovely lass such as yourself, but what are you doing here?" He asked. My mind went blank. "I, uhh... t-the wizard. He told me to come here. Gandalf," I replied. He only nodded, moving to knock on the door.

I took a few small steps backward, standing behind the dwarf as a frazzled looking hobbit answered the door. "Balin, at your service," the dwarf- Balin- said, falling into a bow. "Good evening," the hobbit muttered, stepping aside with a huff. "Yes, yes it is. Though, I think it might rain later. Am I late?" Balin asked, taking a step forward. The hobbit stared at him confusedly. "Late... for what?" He asked before Balin pushed past him, going to greet the other dwarf.

"Wait!" I called out as the hobbit began to close the door. He quickly swung it back open, his eyes widening as his eyes met mine. He seemed surprised to see me, someone who wasn't a dwarf. "Uhh, Cassie. Me... sorry. I'm- I'm Cassie," I stuttered, mentally slapping myself as I stumbled over my words. "Bilbo Baggins. Please, come in. Can I take your cloak?" He asked, suddenly much more hospitable now that there was a woman in the house. "Please," I muttered, shrugging off my cloak and handing it to him. I dropped my pack and weapons where the others were, quietly walking in the direction of where I assumed the kitchen was.

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