The Hogwarts Express

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"Kate! Come on, the train leaves in 30 minutes!" Blaise yelled at his sister, knocking loudly on her door. "Alright! Me and Draco are coming in now! Please be decent." he muttered the last part, pushing open her door slowly. He laughed when they found her still sleeping in her bed. They had carried her up here after they found her sleeping on the couch in the library. 

"How are we supposed to wake her up?" Draco asked, unsure what to do.

"You act as if I know! I'm just gonna shake her and try to get her to wake up." he muttered as he walked over and sat on the side of his sister's bed, shaking her gently. "Kate, come one, we're going to miss the train, and be late for the feast." he whispered. He smiled when she sat straight up at the thought of being late.

"I'm up! I'm up. Ugh, how much longer until the train leaves?" she asked, looking at Draco who was standing at the foot of her bed.

"Um, about 25 minutes now. Don't worry, all of your stuff is already packed, you just need to get dressed and eat something."

"Okay, you guys go so I can get dressed." she yawned, stretching as she got out of bed and walked to her bathroom. As the boys walked out, she stripped out of her pajamas and hopped in for a quick shower. She wrapped a towel around her and dried her hair as she walked to her closet. She decided to just wear a pair of black leggins, a gray oversized sweater, and a jean jacket overtop. She pulled on her white converse that have the red stripe at the bottom, and she put on a pair of glasses. She decided not to wear earing or makeup and she braided the top half of her hair before spritzing a little perfume on herself before walking to the kitchen for breakfast.

 She decided not to wear earing or makeup and she braided the top half of her hair before spritzing a little perfume on herself before walking to the kitchen for breakfast

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(Kate's outfit and hair)

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(Kate's outfit and hair)

As she walked into the kitchen, she gave her mother and father a hug, before grabbing a granny smith apple.

"Good morning dear, I hope you slept well." her mother said after she hugged her daughter.

"I slept great, thanks mum. Morning dad." she smiled.

"Good morning dear. Oh, I just got an owl from McGonagall, she's okay with you getting resorted this year."

"Okay, that's great. Thanks dad." she gave her father a hug before turning to her twin and his annoying ferret friend. "Morning Blaise, ferret."

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