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**Note, thoughts will now be in Italics and have ' marks around them. Also, please comment! It means a lot! :)**

Kate Pov:

I woke up in the Room of Requirement. I looked around and saw Ginny and Harry cuddling on one of the beds that had appeared last night when we had walked in. Theo, Luna, and Neville were all on their own separate couches. Goyle and Troi were still sleeping on their own bed, Blaise and Pansy were cuddling on a couch. Dean and Seamus were already up and playing a game of cards. Ron and Lavender were nowhere to be seen. I tried to stand up, but a pair of iron-like arms were wrapped around me. I turned to look at him and smiled when I saw he was already awake. His usually silver eyes a dark storm-like gray from sleep.

"Morning sunshine." he mumbled, closing his eyes again as he pulled me down so I was laying on top of him again.

"Morning. Can I get up now? Or are you gonna keep me in a bear hug until Blaise dumps a bucket of ice water on us?" I asked rolling over so she was on her stomach, still on his chest. I looked at his face, his eyes still closed while he was thinking of what he was going to say next. His hair disheveled from sleep, pointing in many different directions. She felt a pang in her heart when she realized it remind her of Fred. 'Merlin she missed him, him and George were like the older brothers she never had, well, she has an older brother now, but still.' She quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Draco's chest move underneath her own.

"It's a hard decision, but I think I'll have to go with option number one." he grumbled as he loosened his grip around her waist. I quickly stood up and stretched, not realizing I was wearing a crop top. I quickly dropped my arms when I heard him snicker. 

"Shut it Malfoy." I hissed as I walked to the door that said 'Girls' on it. I quickly got dressed, I pulled a baby blue sweatshirt with the NASA logo on it over my head. I slipped on  pair of black jeans, ripped at the knees. I pulled on a pair of  baby blue vans that matched my sweatshirt. I decided to put my hair in two french braids, starting at my forehead and working their way down until there was no hair left to braid. I put on a quick coat of mascara before walking out to join Dean and Seamus, assuming no one else woke up and Draco left to get dressed.

I turned my head to the left when I heard a wolf whistle. I just rolled my eyes and smacked my brother, trying not to wake Pansy who was still laying on his chest. 

"Ouch, good morning to you too little sis." he said as he rubbed his arm.

"You're fine you big baby." I rolled my eyes. "Good morning big brother." I scoffed, he was only 7 minutes older, I had written to mum a few days after we arrived at Hogwarts.

I walked away from him and sat down next to Dean, he was in the middle of a game of cards with Seamus. I quickly recognized the game as 31, it was a muggle card game. The point of the game is to try and get a 31 by getting to tens, (King, Queen, Jack, or a ten card) and an Ace of the same suit. Three of the same cards (three jacks for example) was 30 and 1/2. You can only have three cards in your hand at a time. I loved playing this game with my old muggle parents. I quickly looked at Dean's cards, he had a King of hearts, a 6 of hearts, and a Ace of spades.

"Who usually wins?" I asked no one in particular.

"Dean usually does, but I won the last hand." Seamus said from the other side of the table.

"Cool." I watched the two play until Seamus threw his cards down on the table yelling "31!" surprisingly only waking Theo.

I laughed as Theo threw a pillow at Seamus's head before falling back down on the couch, grumbling something about people not knowing when it's okay to yell random numbers. I looked over when I heard a door close, too see Draco walking out of the door that said 'Boys'. He was wearing a plain gray sweatshirt with drawstrings and a hood, which was thrown back. He had on a pair of ripped muggle jeans. He had on a pair of black Nike shoes, the Nike logo in white. 'I have to say, well think, he looks good in muggle clothes. I'm glad he decided to wear something other than black, like he did before the war.' He walked over to where I was standing, watching Dean and Seamus's new game of 31. He slipped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

"What time is it?" he asked, resting his chin on my head.

"8:48. We should get down to breakfast, before Ron eats all of it." Dean said, laughing as he checked his watch. "We should probably wake the rest of them up." he said, waving his arm around the room.

"Yeah." Draco, Dean, Seamus, and I split up and woke the rest of the group. They all got dressed quickly got dressed. We headed down to the Great Hall at 8:57. We split up and all went to sit at our house tables. Ron and Lavender were already there, Ron stuffing his face while Lavender was basically glued to his arm.

Draco, Blaise, Goyle, and Theo talked about the new broom, the Lightning bolt 3000 I think. Pansy, Tori and I were walking about this new designer, she hasn't revealed her identity and is known as WWMS, no one knows what it stands for, but we all have our guesses. Pansy, Tori, and I think it stands for Wizards Wearing Muggles Style's, while Theo and the rest of the guys think it means Wonky Wizard Monkey Stench. Merlin their so imitare, but I love them all to death. Pansy and Tori were talking about some new muggle fashion trend, something about shoes that are called Vans? I wasn't paying attention, instead I was thinking about the writing on the wall. 'Who would do that? Why? What's the point? What was it written in? Was it a warning for her? What is someone didn't think she was a actuall Zabini now, what if they thought she was still a muggleborn. I'm going to find McGonagall and ask her about what the words were written in. Wait, wasn't there just an Azkaban breakout? I have to go find out.' I decided to go check with Hagrid. I really need to get a Quibbler, or at least the Daily Prophet again, I had to cancel my membership before we went searching for the horcruxes.

"Kate?....Kate!....KATE!" Draco yelled in my ear, shaking me by the shoulders, as she started to get up.

I shoved him away as I rubbed my head, he had given me a headache by yelling in my ear. I slowly sat back down. "What do you want ferret?" I grumbled, glaring at him.

"Ouch." he acted as if I had just stabbed him with a steak in his heart. "What were your thinking about? We were trying to get your attention for 5 minutes."

"-Stuff. What were you yelling in my ear for Malfoy?" she glared at him.

"Well, we were trying to ask you something..."

"Well, what was it? Spit it out already!"

"Who do you think wrote the message?" he looked down, not looking at her face.

"I have an idea, but I need to go. I'll see you guys later." I quickly stood up, and walked out of the hall, leaving the Slytherin's gawking after her.

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