The Begining

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No one pov.

Hinata cycled quickly on the tarmac – today was the first day of his High School career ! A lot has happened up to this point and he was excited to receive a fresh start however will people be able to see past the fact he is mute? As he reached the gates he felt a sadness knowing that his Mum and sister aren't here to see the day when he finally entered High School!

Hinata's pov

I can't believe it my first day at high school ! I wonder what the people are like! And the volleyball team- I do hope they accept me for being mute! I entered the gates and hurried into the main building , it was much bigger than I thought it would be. I found my locker and quickly swapped my shoes, then went inside to class 1-1 . As I opened the door I couldn't help but smile to myself as my eyes darted around the classroom, my eyes fell to rest on someone who I hadn't seen since Middle School Tobio Kageyama. My sworn rival .I was about to go to him when the teacher swiftly entered the class and told us to take a seat. I did so just as she started the name call what seemed like a long while she called my Rivals' name , he stood up and said yes then I heard 'Hinata Shoyou?' I quickly stood up and bowed – she knew I was mute she had read my file – the rest of the class looked at me strangely as I sat down they must all think that I was very rude not saying yes. I feel a strong gaze bore into me – it was Bakayama , I quickly regained my focus on the teacher who was talking about club applications and how for the rest of the lesson she wanted us to get to know each other! As soon as she said 'Off you go' Bakayama was strolling up to me. What was I going to do?

Kageyama pov

When I saw the human orange stand up and bow I had to silently groan , how had I not noticed him ? He was as quiet as ever I suppose . As soon as I got the chance I immediately went over to him – he is my rival after all!

"What are you doing here" I said gruffly he looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes – no what am I thinking!

He slowly drew out a tattered note book and pen and scribbled that he was here solely for the volleyball team! This midget was still playing volleyball?! So what if he can jump . So what if he is cute , argh stop thinking those things he is small, weak and a mute how could I even think that ?!

"So you think you are good at volleyball you silent midget!" Why do I say these things he must hate me now. Little did I realise how loudly I said that, everyone in the class had their eyes locked on me with shocked expressions written across their faces. The little ball of sunshine looked up at me with pained eyes. I can't believe I said that.

Hinata's pov

I am shocked what did that giant just call me ? A silent midget! Does he not know how to talk to people. What am I saying I have had much, much worse but still coming from him it had to hurt just a little! I look up at him trying my best to hide my hurt expression but I feel I didn't do that very well ! He looked down at me with a weird mixture of annoyed and frustrated and pained?! The teacher was looking at us in a very very stern manner . Shoot now he's done it the whole class now knows I am mute! I quickly look down as I feel my classes stares burn into me . I wanted to run and never stop running . Why ever since that day does this always seem to happen? They (the class shifted) then Suddenly RIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG ! I had to breathe a sigh of relief as I gathered my things and quickly left the classroom.

Time Skip....

Kageyama pov

Finally its lunch ! I am starving but I don't really want to eat I mean I said some pretty terrible things to Hinata-he will never talk to me again. I entered the canteen and my eyes immediately fell onto the human tangerine sitting by himself with nothing but an apple in hand . I felt so bad , does he hate me now ? I brushed the thought of simply because of the guilt and went to go grab my lunch.

??? pov

I saw what looked to be a fluffy ball of orangeness sitting all alone by himself . I didn't recognise him – he must be a first year! I swiftly went over to him to offer my company and when I got to the table he looked up at me with shining golden orbs . I opened my mouth and.....

How was my first chapter ? Was it too short or not enough detail or too much detail ? Please let me know! I thought I would leave it on a cliff hanger even if it isn't the biggest cliff hanger ever. Have a nice day/night ! Bye!

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