The Volleyball Team

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Hinata pov

I was sitting alone during lunch like I normally do when a third year came up to me! He looked friendly enough but you can never be to sure! I look up at him trying my best to look intimidating and powerful but obviously failing because he chuckled to himself?! I have to admit that I was taken aback when he did this – why would he laugh at me? He opened his mouth getting ready to speak when .... " Hey Sugawara senpai !" I look across the lunch hall and there was a rather intimidating delinquent ! He was tall and had a buzz cut and his eyes were narrow and harsh. I glance up at this 'Sugawara senpai' to observe his reaction. He seemed slightly annoyed but also amused! I look between the two, the delinquent was now strutting over . Immediately I got ready for a punch but it never came . I lifted my head and Sugawara and the gang member talking! I viewed the conversation from the outside . Suddenly they turned to face me , a smile broke across the silver haired male and I couldn't help but feel slightly happy.

" So what's your name ?" He asked kindly

I slowly brought out my notepad and wrote my name

Hinata Shoyou – nice to meet you!

Both of them at this point raised an eyebrow and looked at me with curiosity across their faces . I looked down expecting them to walk away in disgust but they didn't!?

Sugawara pov

As the childlike ball of fluff drew out a notebook I had to wonder to myself why he hadn't answered my question! He began to scribble away then he offered us a view of what he was writing it said 'Hinata Shoyou -nice to meet you' I couldn't help but look a bit shocked why was he writing his name on paper rather than saying it directly to us? Just as I was about to ask him Tanaka forcefully said ' Why you writing on a piece of paper use your voice ! Or don't you know how to?"

I had to mentally face palm , how could he just be so upfront and kinda of rude about it!

Hinata Shoyou was now writing yet another thing in his notebook as he offered it up to us I had to be quite surprised – he was mute ! I looked at Tanaka and gave him a stern glance but he did not need telling , "I am so sorry Hinata , I shouldn't of been so rude!" He gave us a little smile and shook his head to let us know it was fine. " Is it alright if we and some of my friends come and sit here?" He looked at me and nodded. Tanaka and I then went to grab our lunches. As we sat down we were joined by Asahi , Daichi and Nishinoya and we obviously started by talking about volleyball team and our hopes for nationals! I was so into the conversation I didn't notice that Hinata had slipped away. I had to feel slightly responsible for not including him. My eyes scanned the room but I couldn't find him so I gave up and put my focus back on the conversation we were having.

Time skip (brought to you by Tanaka's buzz cut)

Hinata pov

I was unlocking my bike from the school's bike rack when I couldn't help but look over at the gym that was for volleyball. I won't lie I was upset about not being able to bring myself to sign up for the team. But what was I going to do I am mute. I mounted my bike and slowly started peddling to my practice point. The sky was a clear azure blue and the world looked like it had come to a complete standstill. 10 minuets later I had arrived at the town's gym . I securely locked up my bike and grabbed my stuff and rushed into the building. As I entered the communal courts I couldn't help but smile , it was my home away from home! I grabbed the volleyball and started tossing for myself – not the best form practice but what was I supposed to do! I was doing this exercise for quite a while when out of the corner of my eye I saw 2 groups of people milling around outside. Oh shoot I forgot today was the day when matches between proper teams would take place! I had two minuets , just enough time for 2 more tosses ! The first toss I made an easy one , the second was not only difficult ,it was high up and at quite a random position in the realms of the net. BOOM! The ball landed perfectly in the back corner of the court . As I fell from my jump I couldn't help but smile , that was a decent spike. As I went to put the ball away my eyes were drawn again to the two groups of people who were now inside the gym. Both groups were staring at me . Oh no now I have done it they will probably hurt me for running over! That was what I was thinking until I saw a silver haired and a delinquent . Sugawara and umm.. Tanaka ! But also the rest of the Karasuno Volleyball team – including Bakayama ! The other team they must have been Date Tech ! They must of come here for a practice match in-front of an audience . I quickly ran and grabbed my stuff and fled the gym before they had time to say anything. What was I going to do now?

Sorry this wasn't the longest chapter ever but I hope you enjoyed it all the same! Please any mistakes let me know ! Have a nice whatever time of day it is! Bye 

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