The Meeting

466 16 4

Hinata pov

The rest of the day it fair to say I was worried about my first Volleyball practice , sure I wanted to join and I am honoured that they offered but what if they rethink their decision! What if they kick me off the team?! Believe it or not I could not for the life of me focus on any of my lessons . I was dreading that final bell... RINGGGGGGG. Oh meat buns what was I to do now? Maybe if I just hide my presence a bit more they won't notice me! I trudged to the gym , the almost comforting sounds of shoes squeaking on the floor were getting closer! I took a deep breath and entered the gym .

3 people were in there : Daichi , Suga and Kageyama . I slowly made my way to the changing rooms to get ready for this hopefully uneventful practice. I got into my shorts and t-shirt , I tied my shoes and made my way back out onto the court. I wasn't quite sure on what I was supposed to do now so I picked up a stray volleyball and began to toss for myself starting off with easy small hits then working my way up to the bigger ones.

"You know you won't improve like that" a somewhat annoyed voice came from behind me . It was Kageyama . I sighed and turned away.

"Hey! What are you turning away for , I thought I said you weren't going to get anywhere like that."

I looked around and gave the look of 'yeah , so what are you going to do about it' then to my surprise he picked up a ball and tossed it ! My eyes locked on and my feet began to move... Smack ! A perfect hit ! I smile broke out across my face that was probably the best spike I have ever done!! I looked at Kageyama and he looked back at me and I don't know what came over me but I rushed and gave him a hug! He looked down at me with what can only be described as shock in his greyish eyes!

"Tsk Hinata boke"

I quickly broke away not quite knowing how to act after I so rudely hugged him – I bet he will hate me now! But to my surprise he turned away and went to pick up a stray volleyball , I just stood there like a lemon !

"Well are you going to go again?" Kageyama asked me.

He still wanted to toss to me even though I hugged him – maybe he was more of a hugger than I thought?! A smile broke out on my face as I went to the back of court.

A very small time skip to the end of Volleyball practice ...

We continued spiking like this until the Captain called the whole team over.

"I have some news for you, due to the fact there is only a certain level of Volleyball that we can reach by playing amongst ourselves therefore we are lucky enough to have a practice match against our sworn rivals – Nekoma!"

The gym suddenly became a festival arena it was so loud! Tanaka-senpai and Nishinoya-senpai were running around the gym (without shirts on.) The others began to talk excitedly .

"What this arrangement means is we need to be training harder than ever to be ready so we will be different stamina exercises everyday!" Daichi said.

The whole team groaned , I must admit I thought the idea that was just put forward sounded exciting! But then again I do cycle over a mountain everyday!

Another small time skip simply to save your sanity. (To the next day when Karasuno are going on a run and Hinata being the sunshine he is got lost and is now wandering aimlessly around!)

I have no clue where I am! I was running with my team and now I am officially lost! I turn a corner and there is a lone person sitting on a wall playing a game on their phone. I went up to him , he had dyed hair and had a large gym bag next to him. I tapped his shoulder, he paused his game and turned to face me . He had eyes like a cat! This is when I began to awkwardly signal that I was mute and if he had anything I could write on . He began to rummaging in his bag , he then pulled out a piece of paper and a pen that is when I noticed a pair of volleyball shoes! I wonder does he play?

I began to write on the paper saying that my name was Hinata and how I was lost and needed to get back.

"My name is Kenma. I am afraid that I can't help you as I am also lost but Kuroo should be here soon."

Do you play volleyball is what I wrote down on the paper next.

He nodded and went on to say:

"Yes but I only play because of Kuroo."

Cool can I sit next to you? I wrote.

Kenma nodded so I sat down and watched him play his video game. Around 20 minuets passed when out of the corner of my eye I saw a giant rooster walk down the path. At this point Kenma and I were getting along pretty well , we were even sharing jokes and I couldn't help but hug him for the whole 20 minuets. But , back to the giant rooster in the corner of my eye. I felt Kenma shift under me and look up from the note I just wrote him.

"Kuroo" was all he said.

Oh so the giant rooster isn't in fact a rooster but a Kenma's friend Kuroo! That made a lot more sense.

"Hey Kenma , where have you been we have been looking for you everywhere – and who is this little person you picked up?"

I was slightly offended at that little statement but brushed it off when Kenma said:

"He doesn't like to be called short you know ! Also he is in High School!"

Kuroo hid a laugh at that point . Kenma just rolled his eyes and slowly got up and bowed to me. I gave a small wave.

"Bye Shoyou!" He said meekly and began to walk off with Kuroo.

"Bye Chibi-chan!" The giant rooster shouted back to me.

Stand and wave I told myself , stand and wave.

Hey! Sorry that took soooo long I have been very busy. Hope you liked the chapter! Also thank you for over 100 reads . I know it doesn't sound like that many but for me it is soooo THANK YOU!

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