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Hinata pov

I can't believe it of all the places they could have been they had to come to the gym I practice in! I am so embarrassed they probably think that I am rubbish! I cycled home so quickly I didn't have time to even register my surroundings. I nearly went straight past my house. I have school tomorrow , they will be asking questions ! I entered through the door and slammed it angrily behind me . I slowly started walking through the dark house. It was no surprise that Dad wasn't home! I couldn't bring myself to eat so I trudged up to my room and flopped on the bed , not even bothering to change I fell into an uneasy sleep. I woke up with a start my alarm clock was buzzing angrily , darn I overslept , I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up!

Time skip (brought to you by an uneventful journey)

I finally got into school. I was in luck the bell hadn't rung yet! I rushed to put my other shoes on making sure no-one from the volley team was there. Breathing a sigh of relief I made my way to class hoping that I didn't see Kageyama. For once in my life luck was on my side and I didn't meet anyone in the corridor. I entered the classroom and took my seat . I glance up and see Bakayama sitting there staring at me , I avert my gaze . The teacher came bustling into the classroom and started the morning announcements , I wasn't really focusing until the teacher started talking about assembly that was next period. It was about the benefits of sport , each class would be randomly assigned a sport and then the school team of that sport would hold regular training sessions. The bell then rang signalling that we had to go assembly . I would be lying if I wasn't slightly worried about which sport we were going to get . It started with the normal welcomes and pleasantries then , now for the random sports that each class is going to take up! The headmaster said he was going to start from the bottom of the school and work up . I braced myself for the announcement. 'Class 1-1 will be doing ......... Volleyball! I inwardly groaned – what the heck am I meant to do now I have to face the whole team , Sugawara , Tanaka and Bakayama! I kept trying to formulate plans but all of them were so stupid there was no way that they would ever work and the time I have to come up with a plan is very small I have PE next period!

Assembly finally ended and I knew by this point there was no getting out of it. I had to play volleyball! As the class and I went to grab our stuff butterflies were filling my stomach. We all got changed and entered the gym . I tried the best I could to hide behind some of the others not wanting to face my dream high school team!

"Hello everyone , my name is Daichi and I am the captain of the Volleyball Team. Today will be just a fun lesson , a few basics like passing , setting and spiking then we will set up a few mini games. Okay let us begin with passing , we will all split into groups and a few players from the team will coach each of you . Oh and one last thing – has anyone got any experience in volleyball before ?"

I looked down at the floor hoping that Kageyama wouldn't call me out . Then...

"Hinata knows how to play" I froze why would he call me out like that! Slowly I walked to the front of the class. I look up at the faces of the team , I can tell they all look faintly surprised .

"Hey Hinata , I didn't know you played volleyball you should of told me yesterday!" Sugawara said to me . I shook my head and drew out my notebook and I wrote ' I can't play volleyball that well , I just enjoy it'

The whole team leaned in to read it . They all raised an eyebrow . I am so embarrassed!

"Hey aren't you the kid from yesterday ?" A tall person with a man bun said.

I was thinking rapidly , I then finally settled on the idea that I will act clueless. I shook my head in a very definite manner.

"Don't lie to us..."

Kageyama pov

I cannot believe he just lied to the whole team! I had to call him out on it , don't ask me why I just had to say it . I hate it when people undermine their ability!

"Don't lie to us" I said slightly harsher than I meant it . I look down on him and carried on " He was the one at the gym yesterday and he was the one that did that difficult spike perfectly , the fact of the matter is that he wanted to come to this school just for the team, yet he didn't even join it ! How weak!"

The little tangerine in-front of me looked up at me with both sad and terrified eyes. What have I done how could I say those things that were so , were so inconsiderate! It wasn't supposed to come across like that! It is only because I care about him , wait no I only care about our team getting to nationals and we need him to do that! How could I be so stupid! I look up to see people's reactions . The team looked horrified and the class they just felt sorry for the small , mute human! I opened my mouth to try and say something but I was cut off by Sugawara saying that we should get on with the lesson. I knew he was right but I had to say sorry! You know what forget it , I would probably mess it up anyway!

Hi people , that is it for this chapter . I must admit I fell really bad making Kageyama mean but he will get better promise. Also as always any mistakes please let me know! See you soon!!

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