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Percy POV:

4 years ago

I was a guinea pig. Of all things, I had to be a guinea pig.

Annabeth currently had her knife on Circe's throat.

Circe signaled her attendants to cast a spell.

I wanted to tell Annabeth to run, but she wouldn't be able to understand me.

Circe asked, "So Annabeth, what would you like your makeover to be?"

Circe tried to turn her into something, but nothing happened?"

"How?"Circe gulped.

Annabeth held up a bottle of vitamins.

Annabeth demanded, "Turn Percy back into a human or else I'll send you to Tartarus!"

At this point, I was scared for Circe. Annabeth can be pretty scary when she wants too.

Circe screeched, "I can't!"

Annabeth started to put more pressure on her knife. She said, "Have a good time in Tartarus."

Circe's attendants moved closer, but she ordered them to move back.

"She's immune to magic. She took the vitamin." she said.

Annabeth dragged Circe to the guinea pig cage. Annabeth removed the top and poured the remaining vitamins inside.


I got to the vitamins first. As soon as I took a nibble, I felt a sensation in my insides.

The cage began to get smaller. Suddenly, the cage exploded.

I was on the ground, human. And thankfully, still wearing clothes.

Next to me, seven other guys appeared next to me. They looked a little disoriented.

Circe screamed, "You don't understand. They're the worst!"

One of the men stood up. He was huge. He had a long black beard, and teeth that were the same color. He was wearing wool and leather clothes, long boots, and floppy hat. Most of the other men also wore similar clothes. But they were barefoot, and they didn't have the floppy hat.

Annabeth gasped, "You're Edward Teach. A son of Ares."

The big man cheered, "That's right! But you can call me Blackbeard. Come on, lads. There's the sorceress that captured us. Let's run her through! And then, get me some food."

Circe screamed as she and her attendants were chased by pirates.

Once Annabeth sheathed her knife, I said, "Thanks. I'm sorry about befor-"

Annabeth cut me off with a hug. She quickly pulled away. "At least you're not a guinea pig."

Someone cleared their throat behind us. He had dark blonde hair, and blue/green eyes.

I noticed that he was wearing modern clothes. They weren't clothes people wore fifty years ago, they were clothes that people wore today. He was wearing a black shirt with jeans the same color.

He said, "Thanks for freeing me, mate."

He stuck out his hand. "Niklaus. But I go by Klaus."

I took his hand, "Percy Jackson."

He raised an eyebrow, "Percy. Is that short for something?"

I nodded, "Perseus."

"Nice to meet you."

With that, he walked away.

I turned back to Annabeth. She said, "Come on. We better go while Circe's... occupied."

Percy Jackson: Legacies of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now