English hell

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I walked into English class with all of my friends. I was about to walk to the back of the classroom to take a seat at the back tables when somebody pulled the strap of my bookbag. "Not so fast there little brother. You'll be sitting in the front table." Elijah said sitting me down at a table of six. I was about to object, especially when I saw that there were mostly girls in the front tables, that were making love eyes at Eli. "Your friends can sit with you." He said. "Fine." I said. I called my friends over. They sat with me leaving two seats opened. Wyatt moved a seat out of the way so Tara can move her wheelchair there.

"Welcome to English honors. I am your teacher Mr. Adams. If you guys have any questions I'll be pleased to answer." Elijah said. Most of the girls raised their hands but there were some boys that did aswell. Elijah picked a girl. "How old are you?" The girl asked giggling. "I am 23." He told the girl. He chose a boy next. "How many family members do you have?" The kid asked. "I have 5 brothers." Elijah told the class. He chose another girl. "Are you married?" She asked. Eli laughed before answering. "No, I am not married." He picked another boy. "What are your brothers names?" He asked. "There is Liam, he's the oldest. Than me. Then there is Mason. Then the twins Benjamin and Bennett." The girls perked up at the mention of the twins. "And our baby brother Noah. Who is right here." Eli pointed to me and when I tell you I was being stared at, you could hear their necks snapping as they turned to face me.

"Now during the year you will be doing everything my 8th and some 9th graders will be doing. But you guys will be reading a different book then them. While they are reading To Kill a Mockingbird you will be reading The Outsiders and maybe Among the Hidden if we get to it. For today you guys can hang out and get a feel of the classroom." He said.

I was talking to Lilith when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around a saw a group if girls behind me. "Hello?" I said confused. "Your Noah right. The brother of Mr. Adams and the Adams twins right?" One of the girls asked. "Yes. Why?" I asked. "Well, can you, maybe, introduce them to us?" Another girl asked. "Maybe, but they are always busy." I said. They nodded before giggling and walking away. English is gonna be hell.

"Well that was eventful." Tara commented. We all laughed. "Hey Tara where are you going after school?" I asked her. "Well since my therapy doesn't start back up till next week Marley is going to pick me up for now. Then I guess I'll just walk- well, wheelchair- to the hospital with you. It's only a 30 minutes walk in a crowded neighborhood. We'll get there fine." She said. I nodded. "Maybe Lilth and Wyatt can go with us some days." I suggested. "My parents are never home so I just have to confirm it with Conan." Wyatt said. "I have to ask my parents. But my sister doesn't care so it should be fine." Lilth said. "Okay, cool." I said right as the bell rang. I hugged Eli before leaving with my friends.

A/N- Sorry it's late when ever I would press publish the chapter it would immediately unpublish it.

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