(Y/n) works from paycheck to paycheck with her friend, and it all has to go well for her to get her meal for the day. She never trusted her emotions and considered them failures to do her job when it came to it, which was why she didn't know what to...
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The rising sun looked so beautiful, it blended in perfectly with the sky. Perhaps it was the sky that blended with the sun to make it the center of attention for the time being. The sun was always more pleasant when it was rising or setting. The clouds above having a similar hue, making the warm colors resonate. The trees, all far and sparse, took on a bit of the Sky's warm color and mixed it in with it's luscious greens and browns. The naturality of the scene was indeed perfect.
Few animals were starting to rise, but there was little to no sound being heard from the outside world besides a few bird chirps. It all seemed so perfect. The soft breeze even made the trees move, and it all seemed so perfect.
That was until (Y/n) heard her father's steps, making her close her window quickly while trying not to make a sound. Tiptoeing back into her bed, she snuggled back under her blankets and kept her eyes clenched in hopes her father wouldn't open the door to her room and find her awake. She seemed to be in luck as her fathers steps retreated to the study. She always hated it there, there was nothing but books in there with no pictures on every page. Her father always told her that they were books doctors read and that he hoped to give them to her one day.
It never failed to bore her. Her father wasn't a doctor, he was a teacher that had to work at a school in the next town every other night. She didn't want to become a doctor, she wanted to be a ballerina, ice skater, singer, dressmaker, artist, and a star watcher or whatever her father said they were called. It was quite long, but she knew it started with A, the first letter in both languages she knew. Sure, she wanted to be a princess like every other girl who wanted to be pampered, but it was just a wish. She liked living with her mother and father, along with their dog and snake.
It was the best family she could have, or the perfect family really. Thinking her father was far away, she opened her away and looked at the bedroom door. Sure enough, it was closed and her father wasn't there. He always did the trick where he would sneak in and tickle her to death. Her mother always scolded the two for waking her up so early, it would be then that her father would give her mother her morning energizer. It was the perfect family, some odds, but they were always happy.
Shoving the two extremely thick covers off herself, along with dropping two stuffed animals on accident and shoving three away, (Y/n) got on the ground and pattered over to her bookshelf. Her uncle had given it to her for her first birthday and ever since her mother made it a habit to change the books every two weeks. She would change it from stars, dogs, dolls, fashion, school, and everything else under the sun. Her mother switched the books out with the ones in the living room as the walls there were coated with bookshelves and nothing but books.