Chapter one

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Call it a a treat of the day for Andrea. She got her dream job. She writes for the Times now. Well, she always wanted this and she got it. Thanks to Miranda actually. Well, Miranda has it the exact opposite to be honest. She's struggling without Andrea. She's near her breaking point of firing Emily.
"I have another job for you."
Andrea raise an eyebrow at her new boss.
"You've worked for Miranda Priestly. Well, there's been a rumour going around that she's getting divorced. I need you to interview her."
"Wh..." she starts to stutter in fear of what could possibly go wrong. "W...uhmmm...I don't think this is a very good idea. I personally think that she deserves her privacy. The whole world doesn't need to know, right?"
"The world does, Andrea. She's Miranda Priestly!"
Andrea nod slowly and bite her bottom lip. It's times like these she feels she wish she was in her grave already.

"Emily?" Andrea greet surprised. "Hi it's me Andrea."
"Speak fast fish breath I've work to do."
"Fish breath," she chuckle awkwardly. "Okay, I need to have an interview with Miranda Priestly sometimes this week. It's for the Times. Is she off?"
"Well, let me see..." there's a long silence over the phone. "You're lucky. Tomorrow. Can you hold on for a sec. Inneed to check with her."
"Sure," Andrea reply anxiously.

Emily stand up from her desk and fix her clothing walking to Miranda's office. She knock softly getting her attention.
"The Times wants to have an interview with you, Mrs Priestly," she say. Miranda give her an odd look.
"Not interested," Miranda mumble and look down paging through the magazine. "Did they say why?"
"No, she just said interview," Emily reply fidgeting nervously with the end of her blouse.
"She? The Times is a she?"
"No, Andrea, Mrs Priestly."
Miranda's eyes shot up to her. Her face turns pale. She can hear her heart beating in the room.
"Andrea?" she raise n eyebrow. "Put her through."
Emily nod and go to her desk.
"Miranda wants to talk to you," Emily said.
Emily put her through and took a seat closing her eyes to calm down.
Miranda pick up her phone and put it to her ear.
"Andrea?" she answer the phone turning to the window in case someone enters the room and notices the change in her face.
"Mrs Priestly, how are you?" Andrea ask with a shiver of fear over the phone.
"I can't chit chat with you," Miranda reply doubtfully. Well, no one is allowed to break down her barriers that easily. "What do you want Andrea?"
"Well, Mrs Priestly, The Times wants to have an interview with you about the divorce so I was wondering if maybe you'd have a chance tomorrow or anytime."
Miranda bite her bottom lip and sit up straight.
"Tomorrow? I'm sorry, but my schedules is full," she reply. Andrea has it clear that this woman hates her. "But..."
There's a little change in her voice that give her hope.
"Why don't you come by at my house at six tomorrow night?"
"Sounds perfect. Thank you Miranda," Andrea smile over the phone.
"Is that all?" Miranda ask and take a deep breath in.
"Yes, for now. See tomorrow."
Miranda put the phone down and stand up slowly. She look out the window and put her hand on her hip. Andrea doesn't work for her anymore, right? Maybe it'll be good at the end.

Hey! So basically this is the first chapter. All the chapters will be short. Just so it won't bored you.


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