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Hey everyone, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates on this book, the part will come out soon for sure but please know that I am currently working on 6 different projects for wattpad, so it's going to be difficult to create a precise schedule and chapter postage per week.

I will also be addressing another issue, the story might be ending soon due to no more ideas going to my head, however this might not happen if I get ideas.

The fact that my first ever fanfic got over 2k reads is fantastic and I appreciate it greatly! I didn't expect this so I had trouble planning out a good plot since this started out as Ishimaru just getting a fever then them kissing suddenly, I might rewrite the first 2 chapters because they were both poorly written and were made out of boredom.

The least I can do is reveal my coming projects and a small preview of the next chapter as a apology and gift.

Now the preview

INTO THE- oh.. there's nothing here." Asahina had her bat raised up above her head, her disappointly putting it down as she saw the whole entrance empty.

"Keep alert, we don't know what could be here." Kirigiri warned the others.

"I'll go in front." Sakura declared, her moving forward in front of the others.

They all walked the hallways, the only sound being their breathing and footsteps.

"This place still gives me the creeps.." Leon whispered, him looking up to the strange lighting choices.

"It does for all of us, like, heck we were almost killed here!" Naegi responded to the ginger, his voice slightly raised.

"Keep it down, we're approaching the gym." Sakura shushed the two chattering males.

"Sorry.." Naegi apologized, keeping his voice down.

"I swear if that damn Enoshima did anything to Fujisaki I'll throw her in a river." Mondo growled, thinking about what she did to his friend.

"Welcome back students-""IT'S A MONOKUMA! AHHH!" Asahina let out a war cry before breaking the robot with her bat.

"Great, that was our only way to find out where he is." Mondo growled at the swimmer, her brows furrowed back at him.

"I don't know if I should be scared or turned on about how easily she broke that-" Leon whispered to Mondo, him groaning in responce.

"Neither, just focus." Mondo grumbled back, too busy thinking about a certain someone to want to pay attention to Leon trying to get a girl.

"Seriously! What's your deal?! I'm just tryna' lighten the mood." Leon growled back, his eyes narrowed at how pissed the other was.

"Well it's not working!" He'd shout, looking away as soon as he finished.

"You feel guilty about yelling at Taka, huh?" The ginger raised a brow.

"I don't! He got what was coming to him." He forced himself to believe that, Mondo made the right choice and he knew that was true, it had to be.

"Relax Mondo, I'm sure we'll all come to good terms after all of this, Taka will understand."

[OLD]I'll protect you [Ishimaru Kiyotaka x Mondo Owada]Where stories live. Discover now