When they have Night terrors

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Surprisingly, Charlie often has night terrors. You've grown quite used to it and can handle it well, you take her in your arms, caress her hair and try and talk down what had her all jumpy, it's usually about the exterminators, and or if the hotel will not be a success, which you always answer the same way. "Charlie, the hotel is going to work, I promise, and if it doesn't...then will find another solution." You say as you gently kiss her temple.


She, just like Charlie gets them quite often, but never really makes a big deal out of it nor does she tell you, the only time you'll know she'd had a night terror is when she paces around the apartment you two share. at first she won't tell you, but your slyness always get the best of her, but she'll only tell you in a warm embrace which is a good deal for you and her


She'll just wake you up and tell you she had a night terror, sometimes she'll even...cry, which is odd, but considering how much of a bad ass she is, but you know all people have a soft spot. Sometimes she will fake a Night terror so you can give her some extra cuddles but you're not complaining. She'll lay on top of you and rub her cheek against yours. It makes your heart skip a beat because, well you really like this side of Cherri, the really caring part of her.

(Sorry I couldn't think of a scenario with Nifty, if you guys want you can give some ideas for this chapter and maybe some more in the future.) anyway stay golden and I'll see you guys later buh bye! 👋🏻👋🏻

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