This Is a fun little thing that I thought would be
Also request are open so if you have anything that you would like to see in this story just let me know by leaving a comment and I'll put it into the story if I can
Cover for this book w...
You met Mimzy at one of her shows in her club. You thought she had the most beautiful singing voice, during a couple of her songs the both of you made a lot of eye contact is was almost as if the lyrics she was singing were towards you? After her performance she wasted no time to greet you. After about 5 months of the newly found friendship the two of you decided that you both wanted to be something more.
-would she ever cheat on you?
No, not possible, as nice as she is you're the only person for her and she makes sure you know that.
-How she cuddles with you
She'll use your chest as a pillow and in return hum a tune whilst enjoying the loving moment between you two
-What the two of you do in your free time
The two of you think of new songs to write or any improvements on Mimzy's Club, and if not that then the two of you are simply playing songs for each other.
-When she has night terrors
She'll wake you up and quickly tell you about it, while holding your hands tightly, after a bit you'll give her a gentle kiss on the temple and the both of you return to sleep in each others arms.
-How she feels about PDA
She's not a fan of it, she finds it embarrassing and thinks it's already obvious that you two are a thing.
The Greatest Showman, Rocket Man, into the Woods, Enchanted, La La Land.
-When you Cry She'll rub her cheek against yours while she sings a relaxing song hoping it'll calm you down.
-When she gets Jealous
When someone is flirting with you her nice ego is gone, she doesn't take long to smash a bottle over some demon's head.
-her reaction to becoming pregnant
She was so overfilled with joy, she couldn't wait to tell you the news!
-Your reaction to Mimzy becoming pregnant
Once she told you the news you could feel tears of joy threatening to leave your eyes, when Mimzy noticed this she took little time to run up to you and bring you into a hug.
-What Pet do you two share
You two share a Parakeet
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-How she gets your attention
Since she knows your urge to join in almost every song she sings she just simply gets your attention by singing with that beautiful voice of hers
-Where she likes to kiss you
Anywhere on the face, especially the lips, she loves giving you long passionate kisses, showing you how much she loves you.
-Embarrassing habits she has but you find cute
Minty has a habit of singing songs about almost everything she does, you think it's the coolest/ cutest thing you've ever heard.
-When your sick
She'll make you some tomato soup and play her piano very lightly to help with the pain in your head.
Hey guys thanks for reading...and holy shit thank you guys so much for 2K reads you guys are soo incredible. Well again thank you guys and remember if there are any scenarios or characters you would like to see just leave a comment and I'll put it into the story anyway I'll see you guys in the next chapter...BUH BYE