-CharlieWhen you finally asked that four worded question she had been wanting to hear since she met you, she didn't waste any time in screaming yes! You put the ring on her finger and pull the beautiful blonde in for a long kiss.
Vaggie was absolutely speechless. When she saw you bend down on one knee and ask that question she had been waiting for so long she couldn't hold in her tears any longer, she got down to her knees and pulled you in for a long hug while crying out yes over and over again.
As soon as you got down on one knee, Cherri had already said yes, with tears streaming down her face she gave you a smile and allowed you to put the ring on her finger, once it was on she lifted you back to your feet and pulled you in for a long kiss.
You didn't even get to ask the question, as soon as, Nifty, realized what you were doing she ran directly into your arms, quickly wrapping her tiny arms around your waist, tackling you to the ground and covering your face in kisses.
When she saw you go down on one knee, she had to build up the strength to compose herself while you were expressing your undying love for her, once you placed the ring on her finger she squealed with joy and wrapped her leges around your waist and her arms around your neck and snuggled into your neck releasing some tears.
When you surprised her by bending down on one knee, she didn't even let you finish your sentence before she gently placed a hand on your cheek and quietly and tremblingly answered yes before connecting her lips with yours.
You had hidden a ring in Lilith's drink one night when you two were at a fancy restaurant. When Lilith finally found the ring she picked it up confused until she realized what was happening, she put her hand to her mouth as she felt tears swelling up, not wasting anymore time she nodded her head and said yes.
You took, Molly to a beautiful park, once you had found a bench you waited for Molly to turn her attention to something else, once she did you cleared your throat to get her attention, when she saw you now down on one knee with a velvet box opened with a beautiful Diamond ring snug in the middle. She looked at you and back at the box, tears now streaming down her face she moved her hand forward and said yes, you put the ring on her finger and without any warning lifted her into your arms where she wrapped her four arms around you now letting out her tears into your shoulder.
You wanted to propose to the spunky Hellhound in a special way, so when Crymini woke up she was surprised to see her ceiling graffitied in the words 'will you marry me?'
She was confused at first until she sat up and saw you sitting a chair infront of her bed with a ring in your hands, she looked at the ring once before sitting up and rushing into you, slamming her lips against your signifying a yes from her.
You decided to propose to her after one of her shows, infront of an audience. Once, Mimzy was done her show she was surprised to see you on stage, you were usually backstage waiting for her, but before she could get any answers she was stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you bend down on one knee and asked her to marry you. The small girl let a single tear run down her face before nodding yes, you got up to your feet, put the ring on her small hand and then the crowd went wild as you and Mimzy shared a beautiful kiss.
-Katie Killjoy
You had decided to propose to Katie in your shared house since, you knew she wouldn't want to deal with paparazzi. So when the time came to propose you were scared shitless, but you got down on one knee and asked that question you had wanted to tell her since she first kissed you. When you looked up at her, she was...crying, the Katie Killjoy, was crying, before you could ask if she was okay, she was able to breathe out "I will." And now with a tear in your eye, you placed the Diamond ring on her finger and shared a long hug.
When you took Millie to LooLoo Land, she was a bit skeptic on why you decided to randomly take her out on this date. But it all made sense when you dropped down on one knee, Millie waisted no time in screaming yes! Catching some of the on goers attention. After you put the ring on she hopped on you bridal style and gave your cheek a long kiss.
Loona's jaw dropped when she saw you take a knee and pull out a beautiful box with a gorgeous ring in it.she chuckled a bit when she saw the worry plastered on your face. You were a bit confused and well worried on why she was laughing until she got down to your level and slammed her lips into yours, after what felt like an eternity, an eternity that you both never wanted to end, Loona separated from you, and said "I will."
Helsa was a bit confused on why you took her out to such a nice place, when usually she enjoys making dinner with you, sometimes, she still can't believe you found a way to burn spaghetti. But her question was answered when she saw you open up that velvet box. She didn't even hesitate in saying yes and bringing you into a long teary kiss!
When you showed that ring to Octavia, you yourself had tears to fight when she gave small laugh and answered "yes!" So you put the beautiful ring on the Owl demons finger, and without any warning lifted her up on your shoulders and marched out of your shared house and scream "GUESS WHAT FUCKERS I JUDT GOT MARRIED."
When she saw you get down on your knee and express how much you loved her and wanted to be with her, she couldn't stop crying out yes, as tears filled her face, but those tears didn't last long as you grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember if there are any characters or scenarios you would like to see just lemme know down in the comment section! Anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll write to you guys and gals later!

Hazbin Hotel Gf Scenarios (DISCONTINUED)
FanfictionThis Is a fun little thing that I thought would be well...fun. Also request are open so if you have anything that you would like to see in this story just let me know by leaving a comment and I'll put it into the story if I can Cover for this book w...