When they stumble apon your Ex

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When she met your ex, she was very polite even if they were being total assholes. When the small interaction was over she raced to find you and tell you what happened.


When she ran into them at a market near downtown Pentagram city it took every fiber in her body to not stab them. They were flirting with her and being incredibly intolerable. Thankfully she didn't stab them and the interaction only lasted a few minutes but boy oh boy were you in for a story.


You and Nifty actually ran into her while you and her were restocking. Nifty being Nifty was very polite the entire time but you were just dying on the inside and wanting to get the fuck outta of there. Once you and nifty left she could see how uncomfortable you were, so she grabbed your hand and nuzzled into it.


Not going to sugar coat it, she beat the shit out of them as soon as she saw who it was. She even bragged about it when she saw you later that day, you couldn't help but just laugh at her crazy antics.


Your ex hasn't been a problem since Velvet sent Vox on them. Chances are you won't be hearing from them again.


Your ex had barged into her store demanding for you, once Rosie glanced at you and saw the slightest bit of fear in your eyes she simply swiped her hand and sent your ex flying out the door. She spent the rest of the day cuddling and comforting you.


Lilith and you ran into your ex when you and Lilith were checking out her daughters new hotel. Oh how she wished she could have ended  them right there but she didn't want to upset you or her daughter.


When you told her that your ex had been causing some issues she pulled you in for a quick kiss and left saying she'll only be gone for a minute. Once she returned she was covered in blood...wonder who's?


Let's just say when they started talking shit about you, Crymini didn't waste time jumping on top of them and just beating the living crap out of them.


Mimzy had the delight of meeting your ex when you and her were working late at the club, once Mimzy saw who it was she tried to be polite not wanting there to be an arguement, but knowing your ex that's not how things went, one thing went to another and both Mimzy and your ex were fighting all through out the club, thankfully you and a couple other guards were able to separate the interaction.


She may not seem like she cares much for the abusive relationship you were once in but when she saw your ex while out on a walk to blow off some steam from the news set, she just let all her anger out and bolted towards her direction. Let's just say that you won't have to worry about that asshat ever again.


Your ex on the living world had actually become a target for I.M.P. You wanted to sit this one out not wanting to see her again. Millie already knew she cheated on you so she came into the living world with a taste for blood.


When Loona met your ex, who was being a total bitch, Loona just did what she did best, Ignore them and give zero fucks.


When your ex started insulting you about your new Girlfriend, Helsa, she just laughed it off and started insulting them about there looks and weight. You couldn't help but smile at Helsa the entire time.


When she met your asshole of an ex you were expecting a full on fight but instead, Octavia really kept her cool, you asked why and she just simply stated that they weren't worth her time

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember if there are any characters or scenarios you would like to see just lemme know down in the comment section and I'll see you write to you guys later...BUH BYE.

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