-How you two met
You met Crymini at a rock concert the two of you were extraordinarily drunk and caused quite a ruckus. The both of you had to be escorted out. You being the sorta gentleman you are, gave her a drive home, let's just say things got a little carried away when she let you into her home.
-Would she ever cheat on you?
No, as much as she is rebellious, she loves the relationship you two have and wouldn't ruin it for the world!
-How she cuddles with you?
She'll rest her head on your thighs as you pet her head, sometimes it's the other way around.
-What the two of you do in your free time
When you have free time which is almost all the time the two of you either go on rampages with Cherri and Angel, or you'll just rock out to some white stripes or Green Day. (Vampire Weekend is also good.)
-When she has night terrors
When she has night terrors she usually wakes you up and tells you about it. If the night terrors are really bad she'll try to act tough to try and not make you weirded out but you just pick her up and cradle her in your arms, and bring her close to you.
-How she feels about PDA
She loves pda, sometimes she'll take it a little too far and make bystanders a little uncomfortable but you are DEFINITELY not complaining.
-What tv shows you guys watch together
Jackass, The Dudeson's, spectacular Spider-Man, The Seven Deadly Sins
-What movies you two watch together
Black Panther, Paul Blart, Mary & Max, Hobbs and Shaw, Die Hard
-When you cry
She'll try and cheer you up by playing some of Vampire Weekend's songs, and if that doesn't work she'll take you out on a journey of Pranks and Destruction.
-When She's Jealous
She'll try not to act Jealous when someone is flirting with you...because she'll just literally kill them later on
-Her Reaction to getting Pregnant
She wasn't ready to be a mother and decided to get an abortion without you knowing...
-Your reaction to her getting pregnant
Eventually she told you about her abortion. You were kinda hurt that she didn't tell you but you understood her decision, still you thought you would've made an exceptional father, but you knew the two of you would have a baby at some point just not now.
-What per you two share together
You two don't have a pet, your out of the house most of the day and you would have felt bad for the animal.
-How she gets your attention
She'll wrap her arms around your neck and rub her face against your cheek if you ever decide to give her the silent treatment....let's just say it gives more than your full attention.
-Where she likes to kiss you
Literally everywhere on your upper body to your head.
-Embarrassing habits she has but you find cute
Crymini has a habit of curling into a ball and resting on your lap, she told you a few times how embarrassing she thought it was but you tended to disagree saying it was rather adorable.
Hey remember if there are any characters or scenarios you would like to see just lemme know in the comment section and I'll add it to the story...anyway have good day BUH BYE

Hazbin Hotel Gf Scenarios (DISCONTINUED)
FanfictionThis Is a fun little thing that I thought would be well...fun. Also request are open so if you have anything that you would like to see in this story just let me know by leaving a comment and I'll put it into the story if I can Cover for this book w...