RA 15: Bad Grade (Part 1 out of 2)

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September 29, 1998.

When I got home last night I immediately started planning how I was going to get back at that girl from lunch for making threats to me.

I wanted so desperately to tell someone at home, but that'd raise too many questions that I'd eventually have to answer truthfully and would end up in me being kicked out of the house. So I stayed my butt silent and schemed on my own.

A couple hours in and I had the perfect plan. The plan of all plans. This would certainly urk her.

I was going to continue to taunt other people.

That's it.

What am I even saying, that was a horrible plan. I don't even think she would care if I continued to be mean to other people as long as her friend wasn't involved. I wasn't totally heartless, that's why I-


Never mind actually. I think that I will taunt her friend and talk to her brother.

Speaking of, that's her brother.

I would not have known unless she told me. I didn't know if they shared the same parents or not because they share the same looks as approximately 70% of the school had. Olive skin, dark brown hair, pretty average face. You name it.

I wasn't going to let myself get too hung up on the idea for long though, I had to handle other more important things like how I was going to befriend her brother whilst being in her bad graces.

It's draining to do this for all hours of the day, but my goal was clear.

I guess I could tone things down a bit today. It was Tuesday and the first test of the year was here.

When I woke up, I decided to wear my favorite faux leather jacket, matching bottoms, my favorite boots, and white shirt - the only thing on me that wasn't black - with some accompanying jewelry. My hair I did not bother with.

I had on my outfit of the day and I was ready to take this day on by storm. An outfit can really make a woman's day. Who knew?

When I finally got to the schoolhouse, I was avoided by few people.

I didn't like the feeling and I was beginning to be back to my normal self - my non-violent self.

When I walked to my locker to throw my things inside, I saw Henry, Walt and a familiar menacing brunette conversing with them.

I didn't see this girl before, but now she's everywhere I don't want her to be. It's annoying.

A few deep breaths and a bathroom break later, I was prepared for my test. I felt really prepared thanks to my teacher and all the extra practice I did at home.

Once done, I still felt the same about the test. It was lengthy and I was ready to quit midway through, but I persevered.

We were told that our tests would be ready by the end of the day and could pick them up before we went home. Mr. Keawe was a speed grader and that can be deadly if not done correctly.

Students can get mighty vicious. I should know.

The day went by surprisingly quick. I was now ready to get my test grade.

I was now in front of Mr. Keawe's desk and staring at the pile of packets. People walked past me to get theirs while I stood there. Scared out of my mind.

What if I didn't get an A?

What would my dad do? What would my mom do? Oh goodness. What would I do?!

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