meeting the queen

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anikan Skywalker,ashoka tano cover to head to toe in a dress so they would not see her orange skin and captain rex were in dragon keep the stone all made them shiver, if it was up to them they wouldn't even be her but being invited by the queen slashed force made that impossible, as they made that final turn to the throne room, it was now clear to see that this was a totally different world for them three.

As the three saw the queen sitting on her throne over head,looking down on them,her stare looked as if she was trying to see thier souls is was a bit overwhelming. then they heard the women on the right speak.

"You stand in appearance of deanerys stormborn of house targaryen rightfully hand of the iron throne, rightfull queen of the andals and the first men,protecter of the seven kingdoms,mother of dragons, khaleesi of the great grass sea,the unbernt,the breaker of chains" missandei told the three visitors.

Ashoka was well shocked that the women said that with out fail,while Skywalker wasn't likeing the situation,he looked at rex than a head nod"saying do the same".

Rex takes a moment than takes a step forward,taking off his helmet,he locked eyes with the speaker than the queen.

"This Is jedi knight anikan Skywalker, general of the 501st legion..."rex started off good"...a great general and.. his padawan learner ashoka tano" rex said losing his confidence.

Deanerys ,Tyrion and missandei all take a glimpse at each other than back to the three visitors.

"Thank you for traveling to speak to me and thank you for rescuing my forces,it is rare to see such kindness" deanerys said with kind voice but a questionable look.

"No need is necessary,we saw that your troops were in a bind,we helped" Skywalker said trying not to insult the queen.

"And if I may ask where are you from" deanerys asked the question the three were hoping she would not ask.

"Let's just say we're not from Round here" Skywalker said hoping to change the subject after he said but the queen spoke quickly.

"We can clearly see that from your armor,and weapons" the queen question once more.

Anikan was going to play dump but  was interrupted by the queen.

"Are soldiers said that they saw a blue fire sword and shotting blue fire going across the sea,than giant flying iron bird in the sky,when you appeared" deanerys said while she told them this she gets up from her throne walking up to the general he might have been taller,alot taller actually but she had the power and timadation on her side.
"So I ask again where are you from?" Deanerys now ordered the answer.

"We are not from this planet," anakin told the three,deanerys and Tyrion had some good poker faces but it was missindayies face revealed that this was unheard of.

"Me and my forces crashed here after we had to retreat from battle" he told them the truth.

"Why did you retreat" deanerys asked looking at the general to sigh him up.

"We had just left from the front lines of a different battle,I wasn't gonna let my men fight another that soon. Our enemies didn't care, they shot is down " anikan told her,he wasn't sure if she was going to believe them or not.

Deanerys looked at Tyrion with just one look they both approved of this man before him fore now atleast.

"You may stay and be are guest until,you and your forces recover" deanerys asked them but before they could give answer "under one condition,you fight along side me" she added inn.

Anikan didn't like this one bit but he need his men to rest until they got thier ship fixed.
"We will help defend this casle but we won't seek a fight" anikan told her,he was hoping to think like obi won would do in this situation.

"Than we have a deal" deanerys agreed"tyrion will take you to your rooms" she said not removing her sight from the general skywalker eyes.

Rex and ashoka had to get Skywalker attention as he looked back at her trying to fell the force.

once again Skywalker rex and ashoka whatched as there ship a pelta class frigate,came along the shores trying to act like a boat.

All three walked down some stairs to thier ship.

"Master what do you think of her" ashoka asked

"Who?" Her master said having caring as he looked around the island.

"Who else the queen" she stated.

Anikan:She seems kind hearted

Ashoka:right,that way you were staring at..
Anikan: enough snips

Ashoka: you think that could have gone better

Anikan: I don't know,It could have.

" actually you did quit well all things considered"

All three looked back to see that tyrion was behind them as if he was walking with them all along.

"How rude just from your faces I can tell you didn't know I was behind you?" Tryion said mockingly

The three didn't know how to respond.

"It was a joke" Tyrion confessed"my queen wishes you and your army to a diner tonight" he told them noticing orange skin on the young girl in front of him.

"That won't be necessary" skywalker tried to explain

"Trust me if you wish to be on her good side,you will go" tryion told him as he was about to walk up the stairs.

"Oh and try not to piss your selfs" tryion quickly said as one of the dragons flayed overhead causing all three to drop.

Tryion that was already walking up the stairs" that never gets old" while he smiles away.

As all three got up looking at the dragon fly freely in the sky.

"Rex,do you know how manny trooper we have" the general asked.

"We have about 35 troops and 10 arf troops" rex answered immediately.

"Good,make sure no one other than troops and us are allowed in the ship"

"Yes sir"

"Also I want troopers on communication stations 24/7 we need to contact the Republic or the rest of the fleet" the general gave his orders.

"Also,be ready to have dinner" Skywalker said looking at his captain.

Rex stopped he didn't want this and you could see it on his expression.

"Don't worry rex what's the worst that can happen at a dinner party" ashoka pitched inn.

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