battle of winterfell part 2

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To the ground army of winterfell it look like the republic ship didn't do much to destroy the army of the dead.

Others begain to panicked of the dead screams,others begain to determine to fight,as the clones begain to aim thier weapons.

The dead want throw the khalasar like butter,the remaing khalasar were retreating pass the 100 mark.

Rex and Brianne with the unsullied and about 6 clone troopers with heavy blasters covered the 40 or less khalasar that survived.

Rex and Brianne did a thier best but even they knew they couldn't hold much ground with the forces in front of them,

Both commanders Gave each other a nod and both knew what the other meant.

"Back to the castle everyone back to the castle" Brianne yelled throw the snow forest and the battle at hand.

Rex and Brianne want in slowly as the other troopers came to making thier circle smaller to the gates of winterfell.

The unsullied  Stormed out of the castle giving the clones reinforcements on the ground,the troopers on the walls gave a big advantage taking out the dead comming inn.

Even Arya,echo and fives found this simple enough.

The outside force finally made it inside,ever person not believing that they made it out.

Brianne looked over to rex,she must confess that it was a bit off seeing the captain where the rest of the soldiers and worriers where in shock or scared shit,the troopers looked like nothing want throw.

Before them walked in lady Mormont
"Glad to see your alright,wish I could say the same about the war boat" she told the two commanders.

"We need to send scout to save the commander" rex told them.

"No,we need everyone here" lady Mormont told the captain,her voice had no fear nor hesitation,at her face showed the same.
"Fine" rex told her.
Rex was glad his helmet was on because he couldn't hide his expression of disappointment,the logic side was solid but still upset.

Arya and her two troopers found this not only deadly but exciting.

"That's 64 beat that" fives yelled out.

"It's not a game fives" echo nagged.

"That's because your losing" fives stated.

Than the two noticed Arya shooting her arrows non stop and actually hitting the dead, she only stopped because fives and echo were staring at her.

"Stair, all you want your not going to win" Arya told them.

Even thow fives helmet was on a huge smile came across his smile,

"You bet" fives said going back to the balcony to shoot as echo only rolled his eyes at them both,than want back to the battle at hand.

Rex and Brianne,were on the floor telling the soldiers to be ready as anikan Skywalker joined inn seeing the order they were trying to unforce.

"General they are going to break throw any minute" rex told him as Brianne also listened inn with sword at hand.

Just than a huge sound of wood and men screaming could be heard,on the left side of the gates the small fort broke down.

Anikan rex and Brianne ran towards it as a small storm of the dead came throw, "stay behind me" skywalker order.

He took the lead and when about the face the dead he pushed them back cousing the weak to leave and the strong to take their place.

Some clones on the balcony stared to shoot on the other side of the wall as others threw grenades at the whole.

But it wasn't enough more and more of the dead came throw,some even made it going over the wall.

The living begain to panick some begain to retreat others stayed to fight but inn the end more and more were dying.

The two remaining dragon tried to give cover but too many flowed inn already.

Fives and echo started to notice the dead were also on the walk way comming from the left, both clones immediately want to fire at the dead comming.

Arya was about to bolt towards the dead until echo put his hand out to stop her,
"Ma'am join the other's,we'll be right behind you" echo told her.

"No we are staying toge" Arya

Before she could say anything else fives pushed her away,
"Get out of her now" fives yelled throw his helmet.

She understood and slowly took step back,than ran away,with a single tear.

Brianne,rex and lady Mormont has gather enough men and clones to stop the coming attacks,

The men and clones to block the enemys coming.

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