so you like him right?

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Tyrion Lannister was many thing a hero was not one of those thing his queen said straight to his face with no hesitation or remorse.

"I don't want you to be a hero,hero does stupid and brave thing and die.
Drogo,jorah even this Skywalker" she does a slight pause after saying Skywalker,that tryion notice"they all try to outdo each other who can to the stupidest bravest thing" she says to him

"It's interesting this hero's you mention drogo,jorah, daario even jedi Skywalker you find...looking up to" tryion told her looking at what her expression would be.

"I do not look up to Skywalker" She question.

"Oh my mistake,you just look at him longingly because your hopefully for a millitary alliance" Tyrion said bluntly knowing there was something.

"I do not longingly stare at him?"

"Maybe not? but you do find him attractive don't you" he asked

Daenerys try's to keep a straight face but a smile slowly grows as she thinks of him.

Tryion know he's reaching her uncomfortable zone.

" just a word of advice,you may be the mother of dragons but everyone deserves love" tryion said than want back to his wine.

Daenerys thought much of this,actually it's been running throw her head all day did she like skywalker.

She was tired of thinking she needed something else to think about anything at all.

"Is everything okay? Your grace" missandei asked as she combed her queen hair.

Dany thought about the question,than ask her own.
"Have you ever been in love?"

Missandei stops comeong the hair,
"No, my grace,a slave love was forbidden" missandei said to her"but I found something interesting" she starts again Comeing her hair.

"Please do tell" dany asked with a intrigue smile.

" he is a worrier..brave and handsome" she says as if this was the first time those words came out of her mouth.

"A unsullied?" Dany asked

"No,your graces" she simply said.

"A dothraki?" Dany asked again.

"No,your graces" she simply said.

Daenerys thinks for a moment of brave worriers,is it.... no it can't be right she think to herself.

"Is it skywalker?"

"No,your graces" she said in almost in disgust.

This was a relief but she now had him in her thoughts again but she had to fight it.
" who than?" Dany finally just asked no more of the guessing game.

" the one called captain rex..your grace" missandei said with cute smile.

"Doesn't all of the army look the same" Daenerys asked not trying to be mean but just curious.

"Yes that I'm aware of your grace" missandei.

"And he sticks out too you" Daenerys asked

"Yes your graces...there's something different about him from other men" missandei says.

Daenerys is happy for her friend and wants to help.
"Have you considered telling him this" she asked already knowing the answer.

"No,I wouldn't even know if I should? or how? or when?" She said in a overwhelmed state of happiness,at this moment Daenerys realized something what true friendship was.
"My grace" missandei said,this brough Daenerys back to the conversation.

"Well a wise man once said everyone deserves love" Daenerys said the same advice she heard that day.

"Everyone says that, my grace" missandei told her as if she never heard that phrase before.

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