Many questions filled MABSOOT's head from reading that single note alone. "Where'd he go? Why'd he leave? And why am I not allowed in the bazement and attic? Who iz he to tell me what to do?" She wondered. "The attic doez have zpiderz... But the bazement? How doez he even know there iz a bazement?" She asked. Bruno whined in response. "Mm. Before I do anything, I need to pick up all theze ztupid bookz." MABSOOT said as she looked around at the floor. They laid upon each other to create mountains of information that will now be of use to nobody. "Man thiz human likez reading. How'd he never trip over any of thiz crap? Where iz that human anyway?" MABSOOT asked. Remembering she had never killed him to begin with. Suddenly the image of Manny covered in blood flashed in her head.
"Dammit Manny." MABSOOT groaned before crumpling the paper up. "Mmm..." She unwrapped it. Folding it up neatly, she placed it into a side pocket of her backpack. Bruno tilted his head curiously. "For memoriez." She answered. Book by book, she picked them up with one hand and placed them into the other. Bruno pushed some books into piles to try and help in his own way. It earned him a kiss on the head from his master. MABSOOT then proceeded to place them all in one corner.
"You think any of theze bookz got picturez?" MABSOOT asked. Randomly picking one up with an odd cover, she flipped through its pages like it were an animation done by pencil. "Man thiz human waz into zome weird art. Kinda lookz... Familiar." MABSOOT said. Skimming through its pages, she sat on the couch again. Bruno jumped next to her and peered over her shoulder. "Iz that a... What iz that?" MABSOOT questioned. The book was tilted in her hands to show Bruno what she was seeing. It was a picture of a twisted human being with the disturbing limbs of a dog. This made Bruno make a questionable sound himself, not knowing the answer to what it was either. As she flipped more and more through the pages, she felt more and more uncomfortable. Humans having animal limbs or animals having human limbs. They were like failed experiments. Much like her, but uglier. At one point she started to sniff between the pages. When she smelled something she thought she would never smell again, she slammed the book shut. It was faint but she knew what it was. Who it was.
Nose shriveling when she could still smell that scent, she did not want to see nor smell any more of the book's weird pages. "It... Zmellz juzt like... Home." She muttered. "The bad partz of home. Yeah. Note to zelf... Don't look through the human'z bookz again. Ever." MABSOOT got up and neatly put the book onto the stack she made. Together the books looked like a tight cube. MABSOOT went on to look for a broom. Accidently breaking a glass cup when she swung it from turning too fast. "Zhit." She said. Hours went by as MABSOOT cleaned the first and second floor as best she could. Her arms getting tired from all the sweeping and wiping. Accidently breaking more things in the process. The broom stick either whacking them off counters or her elbow pushing them over the edges of tables. The tip of her tail tried to catch them before they landed but it never really helped. She knew cleaning was not her thing but she wanted to at least try.
She finally finished when she made it to the forth and last floor of the house. "Almozt zeven I think." MABSOOT said when she looked at the clock hanging above the front door. "Oh wait no, it'z ztuck on the number zeven. Never mind." She said. The hands were frozen in time. A giant crack crossed the clock's face like a scar from war. Out of nowhere, it fell to the ground with a loud clink sound on impact. Bruno walked over to it, flipping it over with his snout. Glass from the clock's face fell out as Bruno lifted it to its back. "I juzt zwept that zpot." She groaned. "But he'll be home zoon. Wonder what he'z doin' right now. What do you think?" MABSOOT asked. Bruno did a motion of barking, nodding his head up silently. "I'm guezzing you don't know either huh?" MABSOOT muttered. She looked out the window and saw how there was still a bit of light out.
The Wings of All Things
AvontuurVirwoe Foe Gu. A planet made of clouds inhabited by a species of Flyers. Every Flyer has a job they are hatched for. It all just depends on their flight. Their flight being placed on a chart known as The Flyer Chart. A tool that holds all their symb...