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It's the first day back at school, how fucking exciting. i think i honestly hate that place more than anywhere else on earth. 

after forcing myself out of bed for a good half an hour, i put on some blue jeans and a black short sleeve crop top , pairing it with a chain which my friends always seem to judge me for. they probably expect me to be one of them girls who dress like a hooker but that's just not me. my long brown hair is left down and my usual makeup, not too heavy not too light.

My friends Amy and Lucy have just got here too pick me up which is lovely. I'm being sarcastic, I really dont like them. I head outside saying goodbye to my mom and jump in the back of the car.

"hey" I say as i fasten my seatbelt.
"why are you wearing a chain liss" Amy asks as u expected looking me up and down, she always seems to have some problem with what i look like. I ignore her and stare out the window as they start driving.

Alissa's outfit ^^^

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Alissa's outfit ^^^

we head into the school building, strutting like we own the place. I hate being like this honestly. all the attention on you, everyone thinking your a bitch all the time. everyone seeming to know you and just wanting to get into your pants.

but honestly if i wasn't in this group i'd have nobody else, and i'm not about to be alone.

i enter my first class of the day which happens to be english, the girls following behind me. "morning mr walker" I say to my teacher. "sup steven" lucy says, knowing it would annoy him.
"take your normal seats please girls, and enough that lucy or i'll see you in detention again" he says.

mr walker actually really likes me because english is my favourite subject and I love writing. which of course everyone judges me for it and calls me the teachers pet but oh well.  I sit in on the back row in the corner leaning against the wall. basically our classroom has desks that fit 2 people on each. so i'm next to my boyfriend taylor.

the teacher starts the lesson, with a few people not arriving yet and of course in true Taylor style he strolls in 20 minutes late with a grin on his face.

"sup mr walker" he says, walking to the back of the classroom, kissing me harshly before sitting down. I continue writing the notes off the board as my boyfriend gets his stuff out next to me.

"Oi eilish, how's that dickhead Q, heard he took a beating" he says to the girl in front of us who turns around with her middle finger up.

that's billie, she isn't popular or anything but everyone knows her from her fashion choices and silver hair. she is also dating a guy called Q who is taylors old best friend. they literally hate each other's guts now.

"suck my dick" she says, adjusting her louis vuitton hat which i love. i smile lightly but then look down when taylor sees me. billie's blue eyes scan my face as she give's me a questioning look.

i look up from my desk meeting her eyes, "by the way, i love your chain" she says to me messing with her own. "stop talking to my girlfriend you freak" taylor says angrily. billie rolls her eyes and turns back around to face the front of the classroom. i wish he didn't have to be like this all the time, but he likes to give people this image of himself, trying to make people scared of him. like he's better than everyone else. and that's not just him that's the same with all the people in this friend group.

taylor shakes his head at me and sits back in his chair, hiding his phone under the table. i don't think i've ever really spoken to billie before, i've never really paid attention to her. but now i think of it she seems like a pretty cool person to know.

billies outfit^^

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billies outfit^^


that was the slowest day ever, i had 2 more lessons after english which I was on my own in thankfully so it was pretty peaceful. but lunch was terrible, taylor decided to have an argument with me because billie spoke to me and he told me not to come to his football game after school. he kind of did me a favour on that one, but i can't her over how petty he is. i'm not allowed to speak to people now am i?

i start slowly walking home, taking my time so i have a moment to myself. i head down a random street and of course it starts heavily raining. without hesitation, i increase my speed feeling my clothes getting more and more soaked. i hear a car horn beside me and a black dodge challenger pulls up next to me the window slowly rolling down.

"alissa right? get in let me give you a ride" billie says as she appears. i shake my head no. "i can't, my boyfriend will kill us both" i say and try to continue walking after thanking her.

"hey just get in, your soaked" she says, inching her car forward slightly. i sigh and give in, i guess i don't fancy getting sick any time soon. she reaches over and opens the car door helping me so i can climb in.

"here i bet your freezing" she says, handing me a black hoodie from the back seat.

"thank you" i say and put it on, hugging it against my body to warm myself up instantly having the smell of vanilla hitting my nose. i tell her billie my address and she begins driving, playing her music on the speakers.

"i love lana del rey" i say as one of her songs come on, breaking the slightly awkward silence.
billie glances over at me at me and raises her eyebrow. "you know your a lot different to your little squad, you actually seem decent" she tells me, taking her hat off and running her hand through her hair. "oh by the way hows Q, I like him despite what all my group says" i inform her, she sighs and shrugs.

"i don't know, were not on the best terms right now me and him" she says and bites her lip.
theres a slight awkward pause where I literally had no idea what to say. "thank you for asking tho" she adds and i nod.

"i love your hat" i say, changing the subject because it was starting to get kinda awkward again. i see a small smile on her lips as she grabs her hat and puts it on my head. "you can wear it the rest of the journey" she tells me, glancing over at me momentarily before putting her eyes back on the road. i adjust it onto my head and smile. the rest of the car ride is silent until she pulls onto my street and finds my house. she parks up and looks around outside the window.

"my brother actually lives there" she says pointing to the house across the road. "finneas?" i ask and she nods, trying to remember if that was actually his name. sighing, i unbuckle my seatbelt and take the hat off my head, giving it back to billie. "see you tomorrow mamas" she says as i thank her and get out the car.

that can never happen ever again, fuck, if taylor finds out about this i will actually be murdered.

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