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Billie's PoV

"he's my boyfriend" alissa says, holding onto elijah. i sigh and Q notices, giving me a sympathetic look, he knows i like her, i had to tell him. the dude walks away and everyone begins laughing but i stay silent.

alissa kicks my foot lightly under the table getting my attention. i look up at her seeing her face filled with worry. my lips curve upwards sending her a small smile. i drink the rest of my drink and place the cup to the side of me.

"dude do you ever just feel like pure shit and need a hug" isaac says and i nod.
"because I dont" he adds and everyone laughs. i punch him playfully in the arm as he finds himself so funny. we all walk out of Starbucks continuing our conversation.

"i need a hug" elijah says.
"billie looks like she needs a hug" Q says. they all look towards alissa with their eyebrows raised.

"why the fuck am i the one who has to give out free hugs" she says. i mean i dont want to hug any of these dudes. "just give us hugs" isaac says. alissa rolls her eyes and gives each one of them the smallest hug ever.

"billie can have a proper hug because she didn't force me to do this" she says and wraps her arms round my waist, putting her head in the crook of my neck, her breath tickling my skin lightly. i wrap my own arms around her shoulders not willing to let go for anything. i play with her soft brown hair, wrapping it around my finger.

"well well well, if it isnt the freakshow" i hear taylors voice say. alissa pulls away from me frowning as her ex boyfriend and his group walk up to us. i clench my fist wanting to punch him in the face any second. liss notices me getting angry and holds my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers. "lets go" she says pulling me away to the car.

"are you two dating now, freaks, didn't know alissa was a little lesbo" he says making me stop in our tracks. alissa turns to me and smiles looking down at my lips. "trust me a second" she mumbles to me and i nod. always.

she leans in and her lips crash onto mine, i know she is doing this to piss of taylor but i dont care. i put my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her again more passionately. her lips are so soft and plump. this was everything i wanted, fuck she feels so good. after a short while, my wrist is being grabbed harshly and i'm pushed away from her.

taylor stands in front of my face looking down at me furiously. "whats wrong taylor, can't handle the fact that your ex girlfriend has found someone better than you. somebody that actually cares. it hurts doesn't it" alissa says confidently, standing in the middle of mine and his body. he clenches his fist angrily and curses before punching a wall and storming off. i mean i enjoyed that very much. alissa smiles to herself with success and climbs into the car, ignoring all the confused looks we are giving her.

"you alright dude" que asks and i nod, getting in the car after her. we take an awkward drive back to school, not knowing what the fuck just happened. she kissed me, but she doesn't like me.

/// after school alissa's PoV

i pull up at my empty house, my parents are usually away for a few days when their working. kinda sucks, i spend half my time alone but whatever. i tie my hair half up and half down and change into some grey sweatpants and a white long sleeved crop top.

making my way through the warm house, i stand in the kitchen looking into the empty fridge. great they didn't even leave me food.

knock knock knock

oh for fuck sake I dont want visitors right now. i walk to the door and turn the key before opening it. billie stands there in front of my eyes soaked from the rain. "billie? get in here" i say, gripping her hoodie and pulling her inside. she takes her wet hoodie off showing a white t shirt underneath. i grab it for her and put it somewhere to dry.

"what are you doing here?" i ask confused, watching as she takes her shoes off.

"i needed to talk to you, but i dont know how to say it or how you will react but i cant keep it in anymore" she says anxiously, i can tell she is unsettled. "ok bil, sit down" i say and she does.

"i'm just gonna say it, alissa i like you. a lot" she says. oh fuck, i didnt expect that coming. i run my hands through my hair and sigh. i know i like her too, but i dont want to admit that. personally i have never seen myself as someone that likes girls and now i like billie. im scared.

"can we go somewhere? for food or something i need to think" i tell her and she nods understandingly.


we pull up at taco bell and decide to just go through the drive through. its pretty late so there's no point going in there. billie orders our food and pays despite me telling her not too.
she parks up in the parking lot as we both eat, with the sound of her music playing through the speakers. i sip my coke and put the burrito in the bag again.

"billie" i say, looking at her as she plays with her chains.

"hmm" she mumbles. i stay silent for a while, waiting for her to look at me. her blue eyes meet mine and i smile.

"i do like you, but i'm scared to admit it. this isn't easy for me bil, i've always had boyfriends and been this stereotypical straight popular girl, i want to give you my all but i cant" i tell her and she nods understandingly. "im not pushing you to feel or do anything, i just needed you to know how i felt and get it off my chest" she says while i stay silent.

she begins driving back to my house, seeing me yawn. her car parks onto my drive way and she walks me to the door. "ill see you tomorrow liss" the grey haired girl says, making sure i get in my house safely as its dark, before walking back to her car. what am i doing, i dont want her to leave. i shake my head and run over to her quickly putting her hands on her cheeks and placing my lips onto hers for the second time today. she puts her hands on my waist and pushes me against her car kissing me back. i pull away and smile at her.

"stay with me" i ask and she nods, leading me inside. i lock the front door and follow billie upstairs. she pulls the covers back on my bed and gets in. i excuse myself and head to the bathroom, brushing my teeth.

as i enter my bedroom again, i stop admiring billie lay there, she looks so hot. her hair all messy, her eyes sort of puffy because she is tired. she looks at me and opens her arms, patting her chest. i crawl in bed and wrap one arm around her waist, placing my head on her chest just above her boob. she holds onto me tightly, placing a kiss on my forehead as i feel myself drifting off to sleep. ive never been this comfortable with anyone ever.

she makes me feel so safe

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now